Digital Marketing
Kickstarter Package for SMEs

Keep up, be seen and be noticed in the online world. Reach your audience with our digital marketing solutions, and up to 50% funding support under the Productivity Solutions Grant.

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SMEs GoDigital Vendor!

Get up to 50%* subsidy with the pre-approved PSG Grant for Digital Marketing.

Approval letter

SMEs are eligible for up to 50% Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) support for the adoption of, a Pre-Approved Solution under the IMDA SMEs Go Digital programme.

Group 162897
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To be eligible for up to 50%* funding support under the PSG, you’re required to fulfil these conditions:

Be seen by the right crowd in the digital space

Everything’s online these days, and the game of digital marketing is in a constant flux. Your brand needs to keep up with the rules to better reach and engage your potential customers. Stand out and be rightly noticed with creative digital marketing campaigns.

From creative assets to strategic copywriting, we deliver them all. Be it social media, websites, or on search engines, we know the way through.

Now, you can also tap on up to 50%* funding to kickstart your digital marketing efforts with the Productivity Solutions Grant.

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Shift in the right direction with Digital Marketing Kickstarter Package

Helping businesses rapidly develop and grow your online presence and digital traffic, that’s the aim of this package. Getting your brand onboard social media, carving out a niche in the digital stratosphere, and driving the clicks, that’s what we can do together.

Singapore-based businesses can now receive up to 80%* funding support to grow your digital audience through the Productivity Solutions Grant by Enterprise Singapore.

I Concept’s Digital Marketing Kickstarter Package can help your business strategise and dream up effective digital campaigns, increase your brand awareness, online traffic and sales conversions. Our multiple channel approach brings your brand unto social media platforms, search engines and other digital avenues.

Bring your digital marketing to the next level

Now, with the Productivity Solutions Grant, you are even better equipped to let your business’s digital marketing efforts take off. With up to 50%* funding support, and a wholesome digital marketing plan designed for your brand and business, we make the complex works easier for you.

We’ve designed a comprehensive 3-month package to help shift your online media marketing (including social media and search engine) in the right direction.

From understanding your needs, through to driving the ‘likes’, we’ve got them all sorted out.

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What’s in

Our Packages

Group 162851

Digital Presence Analysis

Diving in to understand your brand’s presence in the digital sphere, seek out the competitors, and note the possible gaps. We look at what you currently have (websites and other touchpoints) and spot the possibilities to work on.

Group 162852

Strategy Development

Identify your business’s objectives and target audience, and proposing the right platforms and types of content, with a planned calendar to put the content out at the right time to attract the most eyeballs.

We propose an ad budget you can work with, and suggest the right platforms your content should be on (Facebook, Instagram and/or LinkedIn).

Group 162853

Assets Creation

Developing digital assets to suit the various platforms, and optimising content to ensure best results. Calibrated and well-crafted digital copywriting is put in to match the works, to set your audience thinking.

Group 162854

Review and Recommendations

Periodic review of the performance of posted content and any online buzz, with recommendations for future directions. After the first three months, we can continue to collaborate on the works, or guide you in the right direction for self-management.

Group 162855

Google Ad Placements

Choose between Search Engine Marketing or the Google Display Network to make your ads stand out in search results and reach a wider and more diverse audience when navigating through the search giant.


Group 1240
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