URGENT: SCAM ALERT: There have been individuals claiming to be representatives from I Concept Innovation Pte Ltd. DO NOT respond to these individuals. Please verify such communications by sending us an email at: info@i-concept.com.sg

E-commerce Design

Creating immersive online shopping experiences for your customers.

It’s more than just selling things online.

Your e-commerce site holds the opportunity to garner conversions, expand your reach, harness relationships and deliver five-star-worthy customer experiences.

It’s your

dedicated website

allowing you to see through the process, and connecting with your customers.

Multi-merchant systems can be tricky if they’re executed poorly. Let us assist you in creating a clutter-free, simple to navigate, and easy to comprehend site that’s unique to your brand.

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Piece together your e‑commerce platform just like how you’d renovate your own brick-and-mortar shop.

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Choose how you want to  categorise your products and services.

Understand the different  payment options available, and select the ones you’d like to offer to your customers.

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You can even have a  product review service if you’d like.

We’d make it work for you!



The elements that make your E‑Commerce site great

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Single Dashboard

Get a full overview of your total orders, online shopper profiles, sales analytics, and other important information at a quick glance.

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Training and

Technical Support

We’ll guide you on how to fully access the backend system easily, before your e-commerce site is launched. We’ll even throw in a year’s technical support.

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Product Inventory Management

Easily update your product details in terms of price, quantity, option and more on your e-commerce site.

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User Management

With admin user access, your online store always stays updated and well-organized.

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Unlimited Product Categories

Create an unlimited number of product categories or even additional categories such as New Releases and Promotional Items.

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Unlimited Products

By having no limit to the number or type of products you can sell on your ecommerce site, your product catalogue can always expand anytime.

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Options & Attributes

Colors, sizes, shapes – no matter what variations your products come in, you have unlimited options to configure it your way!

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Inventory Database Management

Manage your entire inventory and stock status automatically. You can also call for backorders and add them to cart when customers purchase.

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Product Import & Export

Import or export your products to update large volume of information such as a list of products, prices and inventory quickly.

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Product Configurable Search Function

Product filters are a great way for your customers to refine and narrow down just about anything in your store. Easy find – easy buy.

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Product Sorting

Sort products using the features such as Sort by Newest to Oldest, Sort by Highest Price, and more.

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Product Reviews & Ratings

Earn the confidence of your customers with the customer review and rating system function.

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Recommended Products

Manage inventory levels and customer demand based on their activities on your site, to increase the likelihood of their purchase.

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Discount Codes & Coupons

From percentage discounts to discount codes, you can tailor the kinds of discount for your customers, whenever.

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Reward Points Program

Increase customer lifetime value and return purchases with a reward program that drives customer satisfaction and value.

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Shopping Cart

Our shopping cart function automatically calculates the total weight of the items in your cart and applicable shipping charge(s) upon checking out.

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Quick Order

Increase ease of purchase with a radio button or a drop down menu function that allows products to be added to the shopping cart easily.

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Customer Wishlist

Drive a better customer experience by letting your customers conveniently add products to lists that can be shared publicly with friends or kept for their own reminder.

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Guest Registration

Enable guest checkout for the customers who don’t want to register. They have the option to checkout via Facebook login or use their email address.

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Shipping Module Setup

Choose from a wide range of shipping terms like ‘Next Day Delivery’ and ‘Standard Delivery’. You can also include a chart of Shipping Rules and Terms.

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Delivery Processing

Upon every successful purchase, a Delivery Order document with full details of your customer’s order will be generated via email together with an embedded delivery tracking code.

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Payment Gateways

Choose from a wide selection of online and local payment gateways. Or you can always allow the setup of manual payments such as Cash on Delivery.

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Customer Invoices

Manage your customer’s invoice details with a system-generated function that can be integrated in your online store’s backend.

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System Reports

Monitor sales transactions and track inventory levels with a variety of reports. Got a specific requirement? We allow integrations for other compatible reporting extensions.

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Newsletter Subscription

Integrate MailChimp or other newsletter subscription services with your online store so that your customers are always up to date with the latest happenings and promotions.

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Live Chat Integration

Quickly and efficiently handle customer service via chat widgets from ZenDesk and Facebook Messenger.

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Social Media Sharing

Promote and expose your ecommerce store via social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram while allowing sharing to other pages.

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Mobile Responsiveness

Improve your customer’s online experience, increase conversions and generate qualified leads with responsive layout coding.

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Search Engine Optimised

Implement SEO best practices like customisable H1, title, and meta tags to highlight your online store to potential customers.

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Powerful Scanner

Scan through system files, images, codebase and system modules to verify differences from source code and search for virus and malware patterns.

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24/7 Protection

Get all-day protection with a power application scanner working in the background, scheduling scans on a regular basis.

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Monitor traffic irregularities constantly and prevent cyber attacks or bugs with a web application firewall.

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Software Security

Built to be extensible and constantly developing to meet everyday challenges, scanner rules will be upgraded automatically to offer the best protection possible.

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E-commerce Website Workflow

For our E-commerce design and development projects, I Concept would undergo the following phases together with you, to jointly create a dedicated E-commerce site for your business.

This list serves as an overview of the workflow, and the items and phases are tailored according to each project, depending on needs.

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Opening Dialogue

Our Key Account Managers will meet with you to understand your needs, your brand’s preferred directions, and discuss our packages available.

If the terms are agreeable, we will then proceed to confirm the project.

Copywriting & Editing

Our copywriter will work on and develop a comprehensive set of copy/text to be utilised in the different sections of the website. Follow-up edits will be made accordingly.

Homepage Design Concept Phase

Our creative team will follow up with research, and then create the homepage design concept.

Sub-pages Design Phase

After the homepage design is approved and confirmed, the team will then proceed to work on the sub-pages.

The team will then refine the work to your liking, based on the agreed design concept. Up to 3 rounds of revisions will be provided.

Programming Phase

When the overall design is confirmed, we will then proceed to moving it onto a server platform, and let our programming maestros make your website come to life.

User Acceptance Test (UAT)

A round of User Acceptance Test (UAT) will be done on the provided staging link, where the client can test out the site and provide feedback.

Our team will then make relevant tweaks and changes according to the feedback received.

Training and Onboarding

When the website is ready, our team will furnish you with training manuals and a video to guide you through how it works, such as how to load your products and enter the information, manage stock counts and payment gateway matters.

Prep to Go Live

Before the website is launched to the public, the team will prepare and ready the server and domain, running tests on the system to ensure that all the technicalities required are in order.

When everything is ready, the site can then go ‘live’ to meet its first users.

Technical Support

Our team will be available to provide any necessary assistance via email, with regards to regular procedures, and fix any issues that occur. This will run through the agreed timeline.

Take a look at these exciting branding projects we’ve assisted with.

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Scam Alert

Impersonation of I Concept Innovation Pte Ltd (Singapore)

Impersonation of I Concept Innovation Pte Ltd

It has come to our attention that individuals claiming to be representatives from
I Concept Pte Ltd (Singapore) are offering fraudulent freelance job opportunities and other types of scams under our name, often providing the link to the websites under i-conceptanalysis.com, i-conceptaudit.com, i-conceptevaluate.com and i-conceptsystem.com. There may be other domains that we are unaware of.

We unequivocally state that these scam websites and any other websites other than our actual one (i-concept.com.sg), as well as the representatives claiming to be from our company, do not belong to I Concept Innovation Pte Ltd (Singapore). We strongly urge you not to respond to these solicitations and to verify the legitimacy of such communication by sending us an email at:

Please note that we will never ask you for your sensitive personal details including but not limited to your bank account number and/or passwords, as well as any form of payment. We have already filed a police report – Report No. G/20240516/7030.

If you are a victim of these scams, kindly file a police report at your end.

The I Concept Team