URGENT: SCAM ALERT: There have been individuals claiming to be representatives from I Concept Innovation Pte Ltd. DO NOT respond to these individuals. Please verify such communications by sending us an email at: info@i-concept.com.sg

Digital Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Not sure what should be going on your social media pages?

Leave it to the pros.

Tap on social networks to drive organic and paid results for your brand.

It’s time to get


Yes. Even the uncles and makciks are on social media these days. As avid users ourselves, we know the nuances and insider information to get the best bang out for your buck in a dynamic social media climate.

Every campaign needs complementing visuals and good copy to deliver a message. We can do wonders with the assets you have or design new ones to cater to a highly visual audience. From the widely-used Facebook to the professional setting in LinkedIn, our team of digital marketing strategists knows what’s best and works for your brand.

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Facebook Marketing

All (still) hail the Godfather of social media channels. Effective for both consumer and corporate brands, Facebook is our go-to channel in social media marketing. Based on your business goals, we’ll strategise, plan and execute a campaign that sends an impactful message to the right audience.

You can be sure that your Facebook campaign will be executed based on extensive research, strategic planning, and smart targeting. All you need to do is pick a goal and objective to fulfill. Are you looking to raise people’s awareness of your brand, pushing them to consider your brand (or get them in your favour), or converting them to be fans of your brand? We can help you with all of that.

Instagram Marketing

‘A picture speaks a thousand words’ — this phrase holds a lot of weight within Instagram, where modern and smart visuals take the lead. Snap at that. Although it’s part of Facebook, Instagram caters to a younger and visually-driven audience.

We’ll create visuals that tell the story you wish for your brand to tell, even
if it’s a catalog of a thousand products. Whether you need single taps or double taps on your Instagram post, we’ll make it happen.

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Digital Marketing Workflow

For our digital marketing projects, I Concept would undergo the following phases together with you, to create a set of digital marketing strategies for your business. This includes social media marketing and search engine advertorials.

This list serves as an overview of the workflow, and the items and phases are tailored according to each project, depending on needs.

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Opening Dialogue

Our Key Account Managers will meet with you to understand your digital marketing needs, your brand’s preferred directions, and recommend suitable packages we have on offer.

If the terms are agreeable, we will then proceed to confirm the project.

Research Phase

The Key Account Manager and Creative Strategist will then do the necessary market research, proposing target ad-sets and streamlining target audience base and other details.

Design Concept + Copywriting

Depending on the type of project/campaign, our creative team will follow up with research, and present design concepts (for projects with visuals) or proposed sets of ad copy.

Refining Phase

From layout and design to copywriting, the team will refine the work to your liking, based on the agreed design concept/keywords and direction.

Campaign Launch

When the campaign is ready to hit ‘go’, we will take it to the (digital) streets.

For longer-termed social media campaigns, our team will be in contact regularly to get your approval for content to be posted on your social media channels.

We’ve worked out the fine details of social media to impress.
Take a look!

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Scam Alert

Impersonation of I Concept Innovation Pte Ltd (Singapore)

Impersonation of I Concept Innovation Pte Ltd

It has come to our attention that individuals claiming to be representatives from
I Concept Pte Ltd (Singapore) are offering fraudulent freelance job opportunities and other types of scams under our name, often providing the link to the websites under i-conceptanalysis.com, i-conceptaudit.com, i-conceptevaluate.com and i-conceptsystem.com. There may be other domains that we are unaware of.

We unequivocally state that these scam websites and any other websites other than our actual one (i-concept.com.sg), as well as the representatives claiming to be from our company, do not belong to I Concept Innovation Pte Ltd (Singapore). We strongly urge you not to respond to these solicitations and to verify the legitimacy of such communication by sending us an email at:

Please note that we will never ask you for your sensitive personal details including but not limited to your bank account number and/or passwords, as well as any form of payment. We have already filed a police report – Report No. G/20240516/7030.

If you are a victim of these scams, kindly file a police report at your end.

The I Concept Team