URGENT: SCAM ALERT: There have been individuals claiming to be representatives from I Concept Innovation Pte Ltd. DO NOT respond to these individuals. Please verify such communications by sending us an email at: info@i-concept.com.sg

3 Reasons To Invest In A Good Website Design

Branding, ECommerce, Web Development

As the digital fronts of your brand, good website design designed by top web developer is often a key component in building trust and raising awareness for your brand. With only 15 seconds to impress users, creative website designs leave a good and lasting impression, which keeps them on your website.

A well-designed website can do wonders for your brand. If you are still not convinced of having a good website design, here are 3 points to change your mind:

Building Your Brand Credibility

When a user assesses a brand’s credibility, web design is often a major factor. The design can drastically transform the way people view your brand.

With the abundance of online content and websites, any badly designed websites will adversely affect user experience and stand out in a bad way. It is therefore important to rely on user-centric website designs to build a level of trust with your audience, which goes a long way into boosting your sales.

From the loading speed to the mobile-responsiveness, all of these key components of good website design decide how your brand is perceived.  

If you are still unsure of the website design, here are some examples of the latest trends that brands in Singapore have adopted to improve user experience and strengthen their credibility.

Engaging Your Target Audience

In the current digital adage, engaging your target audience is absolutely critical for any brands across all industries. Your website is the most common and effective to do so.

A website contains content tailored towards your target audience, with the possibility of including engaging functions throughout. The comments section and captivating marketing videos are convenient ways to keep them engaged on your website.

When users trust and engage regularly with your brand’s website, they will stay on your website longer, thus lowering bounce rates. By enhancing audience engagement through good website design, even first-time visitors can quickly turn into some of your loyal customers.

Boosting Conversions And Sales

Websites with good design are able to achieve the thing that matters most to you: Conversions.

Great website designs create a clear user journey that will guide your target audience to your intended result. Be it persuading users to purchase your product, fill out their personal particulars or go to your physical store, great website designs help to achieve these main objectives.

Investing in a good design for websites often directly impacts sales and conversion, which is why this is not an area of your brand you should cut cost on.

Concluding Thoughts

Ultimately, to stand out among the abundance of websites out there, you need to appeal to your audience with creative website design. As the number of people connecting with your brand rises, it becomes even more important to have a great website design to match it.

If you’re looking to build a website of your own, or need some help with creating one that achieves your objectives, feel free to speak to our professional web developer team for a customised plan.

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Scam Alert

Impersonation of I Concept Innovation Pte Ltd (Singapore)

Impersonation of I Concept Innovation Pte Ltd

It has come to our attention that individuals claiming to be representatives from
I Concept Pte Ltd (Singapore) are offering fraudulent freelance job opportunities and other types of scams under our name, often providing the link to the websites under i-conceptanalysis.com, i-conceptaudit.com, i-conceptevaluate.com and i-conceptsystem.com. There may be other domains that we are unaware of.

We unequivocally state that these scam websites and any other websites other than our actual one (i-concept.com.sg), as well as the representatives claiming to be from our company, do not belong to I Concept Innovation Pte Ltd (Singapore). We strongly urge you not to respond to these solicitations and to verify the legitimacy of such communication by sending us an email at:

Please note that we will never ask you for your sensitive personal details including but not limited to your bank account number and/or passwords, as well as any form of payment. We have already filed a police report – Report No. G/20240516/7030.

If you are a victim of these scams, kindly file a police report at your end.

The I Concept Team