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6 Creative Campaign Ideas For The Finance Industry


Creative Campaigns For Finance By A Creative Agency In Singapore

Despite the islandwide closure of activities and businesses, essential services were allowed to remain open during the Circuit Breaker period and that extended to the finance industry as well. As business operations resume, most industries are struggling to maintain economic viability amidst the recession. For that reason, the finance industry has to be innovative in obtaining leads and sustaining operations, and we’re of course talking about creative campaigns.

While it may be challenging, putting some thought and effort into the creative process could still help develop creative campaigns that are effective in both brand awareness and conversions. That’s where a creative agency in Singapore can come in and take over the entire process for your brand, from ideation to visual collaterals.

Whether you’re seeking inspiration for your next big campaign or just looking for an agency to help with the entire execution, everything starts with a lightbulb and a creative idea. We’ve got plenty! More specifically we’ve come up with 6 creative campaign ideas for the finance industry, and here they are:


We’ve seen a lot of ‘We’re In This Together’ type of campaigns throughout this COVID-19 period, but they’re often targeted at social issues or the social impact brought on by the coronavirus measures. *Paging for the Finance Industry*

The often neglected aspect of creative campaigns is the financial impact of this entire situation. News of businesses closing down and people losing jobs are all over, such as global brands Airbnb and Edelman.

That’s where you can come in! Social issues would be taking a backseat if people are unable to put food on the table. The finance industry can launch social campaigns to help those in need of assistance in any way possible for this difficult span.

#SGUnited: Business Loans

The abovementioned economic recession has many businesses reeling to sustain their operations, which is also the reason for the government drawing deep into our reserves to distribute various economic stimulus packages within their supplementary budgets.

Creative campaigns are all about solving existing problems, whether it’s a lack of awareness or introducing a key product/service as the solution. Struggling brands would look to the finance industry for support during these troubled times.

Hence, a campaign angled around providing loans to ride through this storm could be just what they need. Slap on an #SGUnited tag and offer low to no interests within your loans and you could potentially have a winner of a campaign, which brands and businesses will remember you after the proverbial storm is over.

#SupportLocal Partnerships

Ah…. the good ol’ #SupportLocal. Contrary to popular beliefs, patriotism runs deep in this country despite the government-bashing and criticisms that Singaporeans deliver to this country on a regular basis. Just read the mix of comments on the Facebook posts by Straits Times, CNA and Mothership.

At the end of it all, we care for Singapore, even with all the shameless Singaporeans hoarding essentials, scalping, sharing fake news and making racist/xenophobic comments. It’s only during difficult moments when people will band together and support one another.

Why not tap into that and look at funding various strategic partnerships? Consider connecting brands with mutual benefits, offering assistance with the digitalisation movement or even fundings to local brands looking to help other Singaporeans in many different ways. It’s all feel-good and looks good.

Resilience Rebates

If the numerous government packages are teaching anything, it’s this: people need the extra cash in hand today. Generally, most people would not say no to extra cash but it’s coming to be handier and handier these days.

Cutting back on the profits and revenue as a favour for the brands and businesses today could be more impactful and serves a bigger purpose today. The helping hand that’s around when you need them the most is what leaves the deepest impression.

Taking reference from the government’s budgets and payouts, the idea of  ‘Resilience Rebates’ could prove to be an effective creative campaign for the long run in forging stronger relationships with brands by sacrificing on the short-term financial benefits.

Opportunistic Investments: #MoreForLess

The recession may provide risks to many businesses and jobs alike, but it also offers a great opportunity for people with capital to invest. Most stocks drop in value during a downturn, which makes it extremely profitable for investments now.

Not everyone with capital knows how to invest, which is why the finance industry can tap on this opportunity to provide tailored economic portfolios and investment schemes for them. There’s nothing more helpful than a programme that generates returns with minimal effort.

Using that for a creative campaign, financial brands can offer opportunistic investment services in a #MoreForLess kind of deal. Given the favourable circumstances and the need for financial benefits, #MoreForLess would be an extremely timely and relevant campaign message now.

Financial Planning For Better 2021

2020 isn’t off to the best of starts. We’ve had the Australia fires, a potential World War III,  the widespread COVID-19, worldwide travel bans and economic recession so far, and we’ve not even reached the halfway point of the year yet.

What better way to get through this year than to look ahead into the next? In hopes of it being a better year (please), getting through this disaster of a 2020 could be made a little better knowing there’s hope in the next.

The finance industry should go with such a campaign that instils hope by encouraging people to have a better plan financially for the next year. After all, we wouldn’t want a repeat of a catastrophic financial year.

Financing A Campaign For You: The Creative Agency Way

We’re always on the lookout for opportunities to exercise our creative and problem-solving minds in the form of creative campaigns. There’s always an opportunity out there, regardless of the brand and industry you’re from. Don’t let a recession or COVID-19 stop you from achieving the best your brand deserves.

Let us help you develop a unique creative campaign tailored specifically for your brand, which can generate the results you desire and more. All you’ve got to do is call us and then ‘finance’ us. You know you want to (;

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