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A look at diversity and inclusion in digital marketing today

Branding, Campaigns, Digital Marketing, Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media Marketing


Digital marketing has become an integral part of the business landscape, with companies leveraging online platforms to reach their target audiences like never before. With easy access to a wide range of information and lowered barriers to creating content themselves, consumers today highly value diversity and inclusion as critical components for effective digital marketing campaigns. As we examine the state of digital marketing today, it’s essential to explore how diversity and inclusion are shaping the industry, and why they matter more than ever.

The Changing Face of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing has come a long way since its inception. What was once a field predominantly accessible to professional marketers is now experiencing a significant transformation in terms of diversity. Historically, digital marketing often lacked representation of various demographic groups, opting for an ideal audience profile and leading to a limited perspective on their needs and preferences. 

However, consumers increasingly care about representation – 78% of Singapore consumers value inclusivity and 55% would change their shopping habits to support businesses that embody diversity and inclusion. In this article, we will examine trends regarding diversity and inclusion in digital marketing today.

Authenticity Matters

Consumers today value authenticity in brand communication, and wish to see themselves represented in digital marketing. Diversity and inclusion are not just about checking boxes; they are about ensuring that your marketing efforts genuinely reflect the diverse world we live in. 

More often than not, minority communities are often left out of the picture when it comes to digital marketing. However, Target’s “Bring Home Support” advertisement, which emphasised diversity and the importance of supporting minority-owned businesses, effectively resonated with their audience through the ad’s strong and sincere messaging. Therefore, brands that embody diversity in their marketing campaigns are more likely to connect with consumers on a deeper level.

Products and Services That Embrace Diversity

In 2017, Rihanna redefined the makeup industry with Fenty Beauty’s launch of 40 shades of foundation. The makeup industry was notoriously known to have limited foundation shades – typically catering to light-skinned consumers – that do not reflect the many possible pigmentations of skin colour. Fenty Beauty not only created shades that suited a wider range of consumers, but pioneered a new wave of inclusiveness in makeup.

In another industry, one that connects individuals together in the hopes of sparking romance, Bumble capitalised on its wide range of real-life consumers to create the #FindThemOnBumble campaign. Through a series of authentic stories shared by a political operative, opera singer, activist and more, Bumble turned its diverse audience into its biggest asset.

By redefining the standards of the industry and utilising their natural advantages, both Fenty and Bumble had huge successes with their campaigns. Soon after Fenty’s debut, its darker shades sold out less than a week later all across America. Bumble’s campaign resulted in thousand of posts created using the hashtag #FindThemOnBumble and its key indicator of success: increased app downloads.

No Lip Service Please

Inclusive marketing is easier said than done. While the digital marketing industry has made progress over the years, it still faces several challenges on the road to true diversity and inclusion.

Many marketing campaigns still lack authentic representation of diverse groups. A study on Singapore’s advertising market in 2020 reveals that ads are six times more likely to show women performing domestic chores than men, while men are 32% more likely to be featured in lead roles. 

In 2022, Laura Mercier Singapore received backlash on social media during an ad campaign for having limited representation in skin tone colours. Featuring a collage of 25 Asian KOLs with similar skin tones, users were quick to point out the brand’s lack of diversity, which alienated potential and even existing consumers. Brands have to be mindful of how they recognise the nuances of inclusion without being superficial.

Do Digital Marketing Right With I Concept

Diversity and inclusion are no longer optional in digital marketing; they are imperative for any brand’s success. As consumer needs and wants continue to evolve, brands that embrace diversity will find themselves better positioned to connect with a broader range of consumers, innovate and build the foundations of trust. 

Navigating the ever evolving field of digital marketing might be challenging for businesses. Pick I Concept Singapore, your local digital agency with expertise in digital marketing, ecommerce development and branding. With our contextual knowledge of the local landscape, your brand can include authentic messages of diversity and inclusion in any campaigns.

Get in touch with I Concept today and get your messaging done right!

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