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Branding Agency in Singapore: Logo Redesign or Brand Revamp?

Branding, Campaigns, Creative Agency, Digital Marketing


Ask anyone if they know what a logo is and they’ll tell you, “definitely”. It’s the tick for Nike, the double ‘C’s for Chanel and the four rings for Audi. These iconic symbols are directly associated with brands but the brand logomark is merely a visual representation of the brand. What is branding, and what does a branding agency do? In this article, we’ll deep dive into the different facets of branding. After all, it’s time we bust misconceptions on logo design (or redesign) and brand revamp.  A logomark and branding strategy does go hand in hand. So let’s discuss what it means to get a logo redesign, a brand revamp, which one your business might need and what you can do to opt for a branding campaign. If you’re looking for a branding agency in Singapore or just looking for answers to questions on branding in Singapore, read on to explore. 

Getting a New Logo

What is a logo? According to Google, a logo is “a symbol or other small design adopted by an organization to identify its products, uniform, vehicles, etc.” A logo needs to be memorable, it helps you make your mark in the market and it can be a graphic, purely typography or even both. These elements may be interchangeable and it is the first thing you think of when a brand is mentioned. 

So a logo redesign would mean to recreate the iconic symbols that represent your brand or company. What you’d get out of a logo redesign is essentially a new look for your brand. Your marketing collaterals, storefront, name cards, or even company vehicle would carry the new logo (and/or symbols) and your audience can easily identify the modifications. Here’s an example from Google who has decided to give their Google Suite logos a makeover:


A logo redesign is only, but a part of the entire branding process. It is a slice of the branding identity that serves to shape the new look and perception of your brand. Icons and symbols that are a part of your company or service may also be included in this redesign process to keep an overall cohesive and consistent look across all aspect of your business. Let’s take a look at Spotify’s icon suite that has been redesigned to keep up to pace with its change of logo:


In a world of where change is the only constant, a logo may have to be tweaked to keep up with the ever-changing times or the company’s changes. Simply put — what worked in the 80s may not necessarily work in the year 2020 (especially if you want to be in the market in the long run). This is also why it’s key to lock down a brand identity that can stand with you for a long time while communicating your brand values effectively and efficiently. A brand may need a logo refresh or redesign every now and then, but it only shows that your brand is kept relevant and not resistant to change.

What you can get from a logo redesign:

Getting a Brand Revamp

Branding is an intricate process of building the brand from the ground up. So while a logo redesign is a tangible change that consumers are able to identify, a brand revamp includes the process of shaping consumers’ perceptions and building the steps for consumers to form these intangible ideas and feelings towards your brand. It involves every aspect of your business, from the identifying of a logo to the product packaging and down to the website or even the process consumers go through in-store. At every customer touchpoint of your business, branding plays a crucial role in forming these unique experiences. Hence, a brand revamp would mean recreating these brand experiences entirely for your consumers.

Of course, branding comes at a hefty cost but, it’s a price that can last you a lifetime. The returns from a branding strategy are endless (if executed right) and it will follow your business for many years. It is an extremely tailored process of identifying what you’d need exactly for your company. Unique to each project,  branding will come with different requirements depending on the type of business and industry you’re in. For instance, if you’re doing business-to-consumer (B2C) branding and have a store in a shopping mall, you’d need to design a storefront, product packagings, interior design, website, and even social media (note: the list can go on). Otherwise, if you’re doing business-to-business (B2B) branding, you’d need a completely different set of collaterals to fit your business needs.

What you can get from a brand revamp:
  • Foster emotional connection with consumers
  • Boost brand awareness & loyalty
  • Distinguish your brand from the rest

Logo Design vs. Branding: The Difference

What It Is
For one, a logo design is just a scratch on the surface while branding is everything else that forms what’s underneath. While a logo redesign may only be necessary for long or well-established businesses, a branding strategy is required for all businesses no matter how big or small.

Another differentiating factor would definitely be the cost. While a *good* logo design can cost you somewhere between a hundred dollars or up to the thousands range, a branding campaign would — as hard as it sounds — start at about S$30,000. It takes minimally six months to dish out a brand guide and for a website to be up and running. A lot of time, effort and manpower goes into one branding project. Branding is not magic, neither is it an easy process. If cheap, fast, good is your motto — you may wish to exit this article right now. But if you’re still reading, lucky for you! I Concept is a branding agency in Singapore that can assist you in your branding journey. We don’t settle for enough, we work towards big and bold projects to make every penny worth. Chat with us and we’ll see how we can bring your vision to life.

Tangible & Intangible
While a logo is purely tangible, branding encompasses all things tangible and intangible. A logo can be seen but a brand needs to felt and experienced, on top of the visual and sensory aspects. Branding even includes the brand’s message and values that are effectively communicated by all staff, starting from the management down to customer-facing employees. This helps to build meaningful relationships between brands and its consumer and in turn, create awareness and loyalty amongst consumers. So a logo redesign, paired with a solid branding strategy can only pave the way to a brand’s success.

Case Study

If you’re living in Singapore, chances are, you’ve seen Giant supermarket’s brand overhaul. Beyond just a logo redesign, the physical stores have gotten a fresh upgrade and the hypermarket is forging ahead with the ‘Lower Prices That Last’ campaign. Despite navigating amidst the COVID-19 outbreak, the company went ahead to focus its efforts on bringing “lower prices and better-quality fresh food”. This resulted in an almost 20% price reductions on its products and it was a decision that they came to after they “listened and acted on what our customers have told us on what matters most to them in these tough times”, said Chris Bush, Dairy Farm CEO for Southeast Asia Food Business. Here’s what the brand new logo looks like:



Making the Big Switch

Companies are often afraid that consumers may not necessarily fancy a sudden change. It is a valid concern, but it shouldn’t deter any brand from being better than what they were before. The differentiation between a logo redesign and brand revamp goes beyond what was listed here and instead, can be deeply rooted in our minds subconsciously. If a logo is what you see, then a brand is what you feel towards it. So if you want to make a difference, you’re at the right place. Have a chat with our dedicated team and we’ll see how to best tailor our services to suit your brand’s needs.

Grants Available

Hear ye, hear ye! If you aren’t sure how to embark on your branding journey, we’ve got you. Understanding how badly hit some companies have been by the pandemic, the Singapore government rolled out the Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) in hopes that companies are able to transform themselves. The EDG helps in three main ways — to upgrade your business, innovate new systems or products and lastly, venture overseas markets. From 1 April 2020 to 30 September 2021, companies stand a chance to receive up to 80% funding support, depending on the circumstances of the company (and subject to approval).

Here’s a quick look at what you need to qualify for the grant:

  • To be a business that is registered and operating in Singapore.
  • Have a minimum of 30% local shareholding.
  • Be in a financially viable position to start and complete the project.

Speak to our team for more information!

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