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Email marketing isn’t dead: Guide to using EDMs for your business

Campaigns, Copywriting, Creative Agency, Digital Copywriting, Digital Marketing, Marketing


Electronic Direct Mailer, abbreviated as EDM marketing, is still a relatively fuzzy word in the digital marketing world. More than just using emails to reach out to the mailing list subscribers, EDMs are far more targetted, and in some cases personalised, and also include several other methods and platforms to get the message out to a wider audience.

EDM marketing is a strategy used by businesses to build a subscriber database, through which the company may get in contact with potential customers through online and offline channels to build personal relationships, generate leads and increase sales.

Fundamentally, EDM marketing strives to deliver your messages through e-blasts via a multitude of marketing channels, such as print, SMS and social media being some of them. That said, Email remains the primary channel of communication.

EDM vs Email marketing

Email marketing is the process of sending emails to potential customers or existing customers. It’s a strategy that increases awareness about your products and services and also generates leads and sales. Emails are an easy way to reach out to people who have subscribed to your website by filling out their personal details.

EDM, on the other hand, is much more complex. At its core, it’s a multi-channel digital marketing strategy that includes retargeting (focuses emails), Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising, offline (print) advertising, social media advertising, and other marketing strategies. 

It starts with generic email blasts, followed by retargeting ads. Such an omnichannel approach will help reinforce the first communication sent through email. It adheres to the rule of seven, according to which a prospect must see or hear your marketing message at least seven times before they purchase from you.

The growth of EDM marketing

Although traditional marketing tactics still hold an important place, EDM has become a powerful digital marketing tool that can help achieve goals.

In the past, EDM was regarded as an annoying process that customers had to endure. But now, it’s considered a way for brands to offer “value” through discounts and deals. The platforms used for EDM have become more sophisticated and targeted. They allow brands to tailor messages based on customer data and behaviours. 

The rise of social media has brought with it opportunities for brands to communicate directly with audiences without spamming them with emails all day long.

Advantages of EDM marketing

EDM marketing helps make communications more impactful and reach a wider audience. It is also a versatile and flexible mode of marketing that facilitates list building efforts.

EDM and email marketing are quite cost-effective when compared to other channels. You only need an email list to get the ball rolling. Invest in a powerful Email Service Provider (ESP) or Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool so that you can get access to plenty of email templates and a DIY email editor. It will help you save resources and focus on growing your business.

Like email marketing, EDM marketing is permission-based marketing. It means you are reaching out to people who have opted in to hear from you. Therefore, they are more inclined to engage with your communications. EDM marketing helps build trust with the users by sending timely and engaging messages. Consequentially, you can build a stronger rapport with the subscribers and deliver more value to them.

How to achieve your marketing goals with an effective EDM strategy?

The first step to creating an effective EDM marketing strategy is to define your marketing goals. Is it to increase sales, awareness or subscriptions?

Next, you will need to analyse your current situation in order to identify opportunities and overcome challenges. How have you performed so far? Are there any weaknesses that can be improved upon? What are your competitors doing that works well?

Make sure your website is ready for traffic by adding relevant content, such as landing pages for subscribers and blog posts about new products or services. Good, concise digital copywriting is especially important and helpful. Then create an EDM template with interchangeable content blocks so that each email can be tailored toward its intended audience. Finally, set up automated responses based on user behaviour. 

Best practices to improve your EDM campaign results

Firstly, make sure that there’s a clear call-to-action in each email that tells your readers exactly what you want them to do.

Next, you should involve some smart digital copywriting. Use a great subject line so that people will actually want to open the email. Do not make the subject title too long! Also, avoid words like ‘free’ because these may trigger spam filters and get caught up in the junk box instead of arriving in the inbox proper.

Here’s a tip that varies according to user habits and regional time zones. There’s a general rule of thumb that spells out that email blasts should not be sent out at night or on weekends, as they are less likely to be opened at these times because people usually aren’t working then.

Also, do not forget about formatting the email ready for mobile devices, because it is likely that your emails may be accessed via phones and tablets. Make sure your emails look good no matter where someone opens up the email.

Ready to market the EDM way?

In need of some help to craft and create your brand’s e-newsletters and EDMs? At I Concept, we plan and design all digital marketing efforts together with our clients, guiding you step by step to realise your brand vision and be seen by your desired target audiences. 

I Concept Singapore is also a creative agency specialising in brand consultancy. We help businesses carve out a niche of their own, picking and placing the brand elements together to form an exciting branding. 

Contact us now to learn more about our range of services and let’s work together on your business’s marketing success.

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