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FB/IG Shops: How to do it right and what to look out for?

Branding, Copywriting, Creative Agency, Digital Copywriting, Digital Marketing, ECommerce


Regular social media users shouldn’t be too unfamiliar with Facebook and Instagram shops. It has evolved from Facebook Marketplace, where anyone could trade their wares, to a more professional channel, integrating regular wall posts with sellers’ platforms. Over on Instagram, the ‘shops’ are now part of the many photos and videos we swipe through each day. See something you fancy while scrolling? Just click and buy.

By integrating with social media, eCommerce development has never been easier or more convenient. The availability of Facebook and Instagram shops have allowed small businesses and major retailers alike to harness the power of social media, making visits to the platforms an all-in-one experience. It redefines social media marketing and helps reinforce a business’ brand identity. The good thing is that the social media giants allow for different ways to use the shops. That means you can set up shop on Facebook or Instagram, or connect it to your own eCommerce site.

So, should we switch everything up and go onto Facebook and Instagram shops? Not necessary. But if there’s another avenue and opportunity to sell, why not tap on it?

In this guide, we take you through the alternative e-commerce development options of setting up shops via social media platforms and offer you tips on how to sell on social media better. 

What is Facebook Shop?

Facebook Shop is a free digital storefront available to all businesses and recommended for businesses selling products online. It is simple to set up but is limited to businesses that use a Facebook Page with shops and stores options utilised. You can also integrate it with existing e-commerce platforms like Shopee and Lazada, or the businesses’ own e-commerce site.

You can build your own customised product catalogue with your own images, descriptions, cover images, and accent colours, and categorise them into Collections to help your customers find the products easily. And because it is on Facebook, you can communicate with your customers via Messenger. There’s also the option for customers to purchase products directly via the chat function.

What is Instagram Shop?

Similarly, Instagram Shop is the name of the shopping destination integrated on the visual-led social media platform. For businesses with Business or Creator accounts on Instagram, Instagram Shop is an upgrade, allowing you to sell your products through your regular posts. 

Businesses can set up their individual shop fronts which are listed in Instagram’s Shop Directory. Instagram also has a centralised marketplace and offers recommendations to individual Instagram users based on their browsing history, interests, and the shops they follow.

Key to setting up and selling things on Facebook and Instagram Shops

There are essential guides to walk you through setting up the Shops on both platforms, with step-by-step instructions for businesses to properly and successfully kickstart their social media sales journey. Here is one for Facebook Shops, and another for Instagram Shops.

What we are going to delve into, is how to really sell. Especially on social media. It is all about creating a branding identity on social media platforms, and a whole lot of digital marketing at play.

First, we look at the keys to great product listings:

  • Great product images: Your wares need to look good. As with all online selling, make sure your products are properly lit, look clear, and are attractive.
  • Detailed product descriptions: Here is where good digital copywriting skills come into play. While rule number one may be to keep sentences short and sweet, it doesn’t mean you avoid going into the details. Don’t be shy when it comes to describing your products. Good descriptions should be chock-full of details that sell your products. It is also important to include any sizing, measurements, weights, or other necessary details.
  • Product size and weight information: These numbers may be needed with your product information in both sales platforms, and is necessary for printing accurate shipping labels (if you’re providing shipping options).

As you’d have noticed, it’s all about making your goods look and sound good. It’s the basics of digital marketing. Great images will essentially need to be paired with good digital copywriting skills. And that means being succinct, spotting, and using keywords that will be picked up by the social media platforms’ algorithm so that they can help you sell.

Sell, sell, sell

And that leads to the next steps, running advertisements, promotions and campaigns.

There are many ways, both free and paid, that you can market your Facebook and Instagram Shops products to your followers, as well as to a larger audience. These include:

  • Featuring products and specials via boosted posts (regular posts that, for a small fee, can reach a larger, targeted audience).
  • Running Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns with featured products.
  • Distributing offers and hosting contests to engage your audience, and attract new viewers to your page or account, and to the respective Shops page and your products.

It is also important to make use of all the avenues on the social media platforms, just as you would even when your items are not in the Shops. Other than regularly and optimally timed posts and boosts, tap on the interactive elements like Stories. Entice your followers and the broader users with captivating narratives, or include music, polls, and stickers to liven up your stories.

Another key is to make use of hashtag strategies to gain maximum exposure and appear in relevant searches. Limit to important and popular keywords for hashtags, but also include the ones that highlight your niche. 

It’s a great way to shop and sell

Social media is constantly evolving. And they regularly throw up different possibilities and opportunities. Shopping via Facebook and Instagram is gaining traction, and serves as a convenient avenue to tap into the eCommerce world.

Not too sure how to handle both content strategy on your social media platforms and setting up a good and useful e-commerce platform? Everything is integrated and gets too complicated for you? I Concept Singapore may be able to help you. As a leading Creative Agency in Singapore, we have years of experience in helping businesses get into the e-commerce field, and also in social media management and marketing.

With an understanding of your preferences and your business needs, our team of experienced strategists and designers can assist your business in creating a fully functional e-commerce site dedicated to your brand, and draw up a social media strategy that helps you reach out and sell. Get in touch with us today.

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