URGENT: SCAM ALERT: There have been individuals claiming to be representatives from I Concept Innovation Pte Ltd. DO NOT respond to these individuals. Please verify such communications by sending us an email at: info@i-concept.com.sg

GDN Ads Sizes

Digital Marketing

Top performing ad sizes

Ad size Description Text ads Display ads Mobile text and display ads*
K1w2 cyLVW7L01Zi9ieW93cDGv9 7gBF11lJ2Z2z8rUJIMQkjrjcMo6TZ aOIMQeiEDB8fGM=w128
View actual size
Also known as a “medium rectangle”. Tends to have more ad inventory available from advertisers, which can increase earnings when both text and image ads are enabled.

Performs well when embedded within text content or at the end of articles.

RC6bXbP4GBFPbo522eBK3peMNFT2FtZY1No0t5Yv6mpzDfo0iKwO03klTERFq NKjICzczs=w128
View actual size
Also known as a “large rectangle”. Tends to have more ad inventory available from advertisers, which can increase earnings when both text and image ads are enabled.

Performs well when embedded within text content or at the end of articles.

UqGSkgWXbNW GJJ4fg25BwmQq6PEMzGimk2WCMsxiGQWJT8 iHdDhw9
View actual size
Also known as a “leaderboard”. Tends to have more ad inventory available from advertisers, which can increase earnings when both text and image ads are enabled.

Performs well if placed above main content, and on forum sites.

K0fs3h Asr TCqGIAfRUNHNPqo 6TuAF9VuDUes70Hu3UErRHhtWQKjDehDRH CZcK5IJ Dq=w128
View actual size
Sometimes referred to as a “half page”. This format provides a larger space for advertisers to get their message across and can offer users rich engagement.

The 300×600 is one of the fastest growing sizes by impressions and is indicative of a trend where publishers are offering more visually impactful ad sizes that are preferred by brand advertisers.

8sQW36nC01lO7UOtyfiU mPRLS2EfIFO57vVHwVg4XkmCrV02T5u7tsgJg29 UZL9nu9ywQb=w54
View actual size
Also known as the “large mobile banner”. Can be used an an alternative to the 320×50 and the 300×250.

These ads offer advertisers twice the height of our standard “mobile leaderboard”.

Other supported ad sizes

Ad size Description Text ads Display ads Mobile text and display ads*
320×50 Also known as the “mobile leaderboard”. This format is a mobile-optimized banner.

These ads have been shown to work well as a large smartphone ad format, particularly when used at the bottom of a page.

468×60 Also known as a “banner”. This format can fit into smaller spaces that don’t accommodate the 728×90 leaderboard.

The supply of available display ads for this ad size is generally limited though, which may lead to sub-optimal ad performance.

234×60 Also known as a “half banner”. This format can fit into small spaces.

This size doesn’t tend to perform as well as others due to its small size and limited supply of available display ads.

120×600 Also known as a “skyscraper”, this format can fit into narrower spaces that don’t accommodate the 160×600 wide skyscraper.

The supply of available display ads for this ad size is more limited though, which may lead to sub-optimal ad performance.

120×240 Also known as a “vertical banner”, this format can fit into small spaces.

This size doesn’t tend to perform as well as others due to its small size and limited supply of available display ads.

160×600 Also known as a “wide skyscraper”. Tends to have more ad inventory available from advertisers, which can increase earnings when both text and image ads are enabled.

Best if used along sidebars of webpages.

300×1050 Also known as a “portrait.” A brand-centric format that performs well when placed non-intrusively alongside content on the left or right side of the page. This format integrates well with the content and layout of most sites, and provides advertisers with the ability to create engaging, creative content within this ad unit.

While demand from advertisers for larger ad formats is on the rise, the supply of available display ads for this ad size is currently limited.
970×90 Sometimes referred to as a “large leaderboard.” This ad format expands to 970×415 while politely “pushing” all page elements downwards. The first user impression delivers an auto-initiated pushdown experience. All subsequent impressions deliver a user-initiated pushdown which expands via a user click.

This size is ideal to showcase High-Definition content such as videos, photos, animations, and applications.

970×250 Also known as a “billboard.” A brand-centric format that performs well when placed in a premium position on the page, e.g., above the main content of the page.

While demand from advertisers for larger ad formats is on the rise, the supply of available display ads for this ad size is currently limited.
250×250 Also known as a “square”, this format can fit into smaller spaces that don’t accommodate the larger rectangles.

The supply of available display ads for this ad size is generally limited though, which may lead to sub-optimal ad performance.

200×200 Also known as a “small square”, this format can fit into smaller spaces that don’t accommodate the larger rectangles.

The supply of available display ads for this ad size is generally limited though, which may lead to sub-optimal ad performance.

180×150 Also known as a “small rectangle”, this format can fit into small spaces.

This size doesn’t tend to perform as well as others due to its small size and limited supply of available display ads.

125×125 Also known as a “button”, this format can fit into small spaces.

This size doesn’t tend to perform as well as others due to its small size and limited supply of available display ads.

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Impersonation of I Concept Innovation Pte Ltd

It has come to our attention that individuals claiming to be representatives from
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We unequivocally state that these scam websites and any other websites other than our actual one (i-concept.com.sg), as well as the representatives claiming to be from our company, do not belong to I Concept Innovation Pte Ltd (Singapore). We strongly urge you not to respond to these solicitations and to verify the legitimacy of such communication by sending us an email at:

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