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Tools you should use for digital marketing: A comprehensive guide

Campaigns, Creative Agency, Digital Copywriting, Digital Marketing, Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media Marketing


Digital marketing is an exciting and fast-moving industry, and digital marketers know that there are a multitude of tools, platforms and apps out there that help take digital efforts to the next level. 

Yes, they can save you time, but discovering and testing the various options can be daunting and confusing, especially in an ever-changing and ever-evolving industry with constantly emerging trends. 

So, at I Concept, we’ve put together a comprehensive list to walk you through the different tools tailored to different marketing goals. 

Social media platforms

A common part of any integrated marketing strategy, social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram are a great way for marketers to engage with their audiences and generate buzz around their brand.

In addition to the standard features these platforms offer, there are also some features that are designed specifically for marketing. These include the Facebook Ads Manager, which allows marketers to run ads and track ad performance.

Running an E-Commerce business? Social media platforms have also integrated ways where you can promote and sell your things there. You get to entice your social media followers, engage with them, and sell to them directly via the social media platforms.

As an added bonus, there are third-party social media management tools that are able to integrate well with the platforms, making it easy to schedule social posts and measure engagements.

Search Engine Optimisation tools

Also known simply as SEO, is a technique to get organic traffic to your business’s website. This is a crucial way to gain visibility for the website. 

Using an algorithm, search engines put a ‘rank’ to your website, associating it with certain keywords that are seen and used on the site. By optimising your website and its keywords, it helps the search engine understand your intentions better, and thereby improving the percentage of organic traffic it can drive to your site. 

However, because the world wide web is infinitely huge, and search engine operations are rather complex (not to mention ever-changing), SEO becomes a rather gargantuan practice. On-page SEO, off-page SEO and technical SEO requires different expertise to sort out the best practices, and to leverage your website’s score on the search engine’s database.

And here is where SEO functional tools come in handy. From the analytical tools that search engines have themselves to tell you where you may need to plug the gap (e.g. Google Analytics), to third-party sites and plugins that evaluate the condition of your website and its content, to provide you with suggestions on how you can improve (e.g. Ahrefs and Semrush).

Do note that SEO also involves a fair bit of good digital copywriting to match the needs and wants of the search engines, and when in doubt, it’s a great idea to leave it to the people in the know to help you (like the digital marketing maestros at I Concept Singapore).

Design tools

Another key part of digital marketing is making your content aesthetically pleasing (or at least eye-catching) through graphic design. This is especially important when it comes to creating ads or just content for social media posts or your blog posts. 

Essentially, digital marketing relies heavily on creative designs, and there are tools that can help jazz up your visuals easily (or sophisticatedly for those with the skills). Depending on how adept your graphic design skills are, programs like Canva and Photoshop enable you to create and add dynamic images to accompany your content.

Content marketing tools

For digital marketers who are more focused on content marketing, there are online tools like CoSchedule and Hubspot that serve as great help when it comes to content creation and curation.

These all-in-one content management channels help marketers identify content opportunities, and then guide you in crafting engaging blog and social media posts that will resonate with your target audience.

Some content marketing tools also help aggregate the buzz and discussions around your type of business in the social media sphere, so that you can create targeted content that will generate attention and impact.

Email marketing tools

And of course, there’s the most direct way to reach your customers and potential customers who have already expressed interest in your business, and that is through email. Email marketing tools make it easy for digital marketers to generate and manage email campaigns and e-newsletters, in turn amplifying the content and encouraging users to become more engaged with their brand. Email marketing has the ability to push interested recipients to take action, be it signing up for an event, or to click in and start shopping and buying.

Common email marketing tools and platforms like Mailchimp allows digital marketers to build email lists and automate their email campaigns. The platforms are also able to provide analytics for the email campaigns, making testing and optimisation quick and easy.

Invest in your digital marketing right

Think that even with the many tools, digital marketing is still complicated? Not too sure which digital marketing strategy fits your business better? It is perhaps wise to consult with your choice creative agency Singapore, I Concept.

Our team of brand guardians and digital marketing consultants can walk you through the different approaches and build a strategy that best fits your current business model. From developing (and renewing) brand identity, through to proposing, implementing and sustaining an integrated marketing strategy for you, our team of designers, creative strategists and programmers can offer you the right advice. 

Looking for E-Commerce development options? Our dedicated team of designers and developers can also help you design and set up an eCommerce store online, catering to your specific needs. You can even tap on up to 50% grant funding for the project. 

Feel free to ask us anything and everything about digital marketing.

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