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How to Grow your Social Media Audience?

Campaigns, Creative Agency, Digital Copywriting, Digital Marketing, ECommerce, Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media Marketing


Growing a brand requires getting attention from the right people at the right time.

There are a few ways to do this: Pay for ads on Google (Search Engine Marketing), publish more SEO content (part of Search Engine Optimisation plans), or master the art of social media digital marketing.

Social media management can be as easy as you want it to be, but can also be a complex game of strategies that requires careful planning. And one top priority of any plans or campaigns would be to build an effective social media following.

With the proper methods, it’s possible to build a social media following and an audience that actively engages with the content you put out.

But how do you get these results consistently? 

In this guide, we discuss how to get more social media followers (that actually interact with your brand).

Choose the right social media channels to get follower

With so many social media channels available, you can’t be everywhere all the time to market your brand and offerings. It’s more about being where your target audience is, and engaging with them from there.

The first step would be to find out who your audience is and which social media channels they prefer. You can gather this information in several ways:

  • Interview or survey your current and prospective customers
  • Use online social listening tools to find where discussions in your field are actively happening
  • Search for relevant groups on various platforms, including Facebook, Twitter and Reddit
  • Find your competitors and note the platforms that they are using

You may also check out reports online that share platform user and usage trends for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and others.

Once you know where your audience hangs out, it’s time to learn the platform so you can start making content that attracts followers. What type of content performs best on the respective platforms, and why? This will determine if the social media channel is right for your brand.

It is also important to know what you can offer. If you don’t have an outrightly ‘visual’ brand, platforms like Instagram and Tik Tok might not work as well for your business, as you will struggle to create the visual content needed to perform well on these channels.

Optimise your social media profiles

You know where your audience is. Now, it’s time to build and optimise your brand profiles to attract a following. Here’s how to do so:

  • Upload a logo, professional photo or video for added appeal. Make sure it’s the correct size for the platform. They each have their own picture size requirement.
  • Use the same image across your profiles, so your audience recognises your pages.
  • Choose handles that are the same or similar, so it’s easier to find your brand across different channels.
  • Be discoverable via search by targeting specific keywords your audience uses. Add them to your bio and descriptions.
  • Include links to your website, landing page, and other social profiles. Be sure to test the links to ensure they work.
  • Fill out all areas of your profile completely

Know your best time to post

What’s the best day and time to publish social media posts? It really depends on your industry, the platform, and your audience. You will find a ton of posts and reports covering the ideal times to publish posts across various social media platforms. But this doesn’t mean it will work for your specific account or industry niche.

That is why it is critical to find your best time to post. Look at your social media metrics on the platform or external software you may use to track the data. You should get insights into the days and times your posts get the most clicks, shares and comments. Use this information as a guide for your future publishing schedule, to get eyes on your content, and ultimately build a social media following that is highly engaged.

Post consistently, post with purpose

You may have heard of rumours and myths about how often you need to post on social media to guarantee results. But there’s more to publishing frequency than how often you post. It’s about consistency and value. If you’re posting daily, but your audience doesn’t find your content helpful, inspiring or actionable, then they would not engage with or follow your account(s).

If you are struggling to find engaging social media post ideas, you may like to try these simple tips:

  • Ask customers what type of content they enjoy, using surveys and polls. This gives a hint into what topics they are interested in, as well as what they are not.
  • Look at analytics data to see what types of content perform best. What type of content gets shared the most? How many likes does each content piece receive? Which are the posts that generate the highest engagement?
  • Look at competitor activity to see what types of posts they share.

After you’ve got your content ideas, plan and prepare a social media calendar to schedule your content weeks, or even months in advance, whenever possible. This can help you nail the right mix of content types and align with your marketing themes and campaigns.

Actively engage with your audience

Social media is a two-way communication channel. Use your platform to talk to your audience (not talk at them, mind you). You can do this by responding to comments, liking or commenting on photos and posts, sharing relevant articles, answering questions, and sparking new conversations.

This shows your audience you are engaged with their interest in your brand. Audiences on social media generally expect a fast response time, so make sure your team is set up for success. By actively engaging with followers, you are doing something impactful for your business and perhaps building long and lasting relationships. Connecting with your audience humanise your brand, and it’s key to transforming followers and customers into loyal advocates.

Reach out and grow your social media audience with I Concept

Need a helping hand at planning and strategising your social media plans and widening your audience? Looking at digital solutions to grow your brand’s followings? Still unsure how to deal with your brand’s social media marketing? I Concept Singapore, a creative agency Singapore may be able to help! 

As a Top Social Media Agency in Singapore, we have years of experience in social media management and digital marketing, working with many of your familiar brands to help with their social media strategies. 

With an understanding of your preferences and your business needs, our team of experienced strategists and designers will guide you to creating quality posts and content, draw up effective campaigns, helping you grow your audience and getting them engaged. Get in touch with us today!

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