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Improving market position through branding

Branding, Campaigns, Copywriting, Creative Agency, Digital Copywriting, Digital Marketing, Grants, Marketing, Social Media Marketing


A business’s branding is more important than you might think. On the outside, your brand may seem like it consists only of elements such as logos and colours, but your brand is actually the entire identity of your business. Your brand gives you personality.

Branding has always been a vital part of business, but it may be more important now than ever before. With social media, consumers get exposed to new brands every day. This can be great for consumers who have plenty of options and are able to do research to find the best one, but it makes it harder for businesses.

There’s a huge amount of competition in the market today, so businesses need to go the extra mile of ensuring that they stand out in a crowd. To do this, you should invest in creating a strong brand that truly reflects your beliefs, values and ethos, and which will get and keep people’s attention. With the right branding, you have the chance to get some control over how people perceive your business, so you don’t want to overlook this. Join branding agency I Concept as we take you through what good branding does for your business.

More people will recognise your business

One of the most obvious reasons that businesses need branding is to help them get recognised more often. If you have strong branding for your business, people will naturally take note of it much more than they would a business without it. A business that doesn’t really have any cohesive branding isn’t going to stay in someone’s mind for very long.

However, a business with elements such as a distinct logo, attractive colours and other visual elements will be much more memorable. Someone might see your brand for only a moment, but if it sticks out in a positive way, there’s a good chance they won’t forget it, even if this person isn’t ready to use your products or services just yet. Eventually, when they’re ready to take the next steps, if your branding has stuck with them, they’ll come back to you.

Branding can help build trust

Trust from your audience is one of the most important things you can have as a business, but this isn’t always easy to gain. A business that’s missing key elements of branding (your most important brand identity) will have an even harder time getting people to trust them.

Branding is something many of us expect to see when we look at businesses in any industry, and missing this could be a red flag to some. Without branding, you have very little to show for your business. And it may possibly bore your potential customers

If you had to choose between a business with clear, professional-looking and exciting branding with a dynamic website design, versus a business that hasn’t made this effort, you probably know which one you’d trust more. Branding helps you show potential customers that you’re an established, credible business. You can use this to tell people very early on what they can expect from your business. This is an investment your business is making to improve itself, and potential customers will recognize that you put in the work to create your brand.

You can improve your advertising and market position

Your business won’t be able to get very far without advertising. Branding and advertising go hand in hand. If you want to have better advertising for your business, you’re going to need to work on creating a brand first.

When you’re advertising your business, you want everything to be cohesive and represent your brand identity and values. Your online and offline efforts need to be coherent. Your website design should speak volumes about your business and brand identity, and make your potential clients stay. Even your social media marketing should look and speak in the same tone. This can be a challenge when you haven’t taken the time to form your brand. If you’re advertising without solid branding, you’re missing out on a lot of great opportunities to create an effective campaign. Incorporating branding into your advertising will help increase recognition of your brand when it’s all tied together.

Branding creates loyal customers

You don’t just want customers who recognise your brand and use your business once — you want to create customers who continue to come back. With good branding, memorable brand identity, and exciting website design, you can give your brand a more human side, which your customers can relate to more than a company that’s strictly all business.

In many ways, you can appeal to people’s emotions through branding and make them feel more connected to your company. Branding allows you to build relationships with your audience, which can eventually turn them into loyal customers. You can create a brand that people actually care about and put yourself ahead of businesses that aren’t using this to their advantage.

Enterprise Development Grant for strategic branding to aid your efforts

If you are still not too sure about how you should go about developing a cogent and robust branding for your small and medium enterprise, or if you are pondering the need to get some creative and professional help to do up your branding and marketing artworks, you would be glad to learn that you can tap on the Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) for strategic brand and marketing development and get I Concept Singapore to assist you.

Launched by Enterprise Singapore, the EDG allows local companies to receive up to 50% funding support (depending on sectors and subject to approval), to build and develop a unique branding strategy, to aid in your all-round marketing efforts. 

Here’s a quick look at what you need to qualify for the grant:

  • To be a business that is registered and operating in Singapore;
  • Have a minimum of 30% local shareholding;
  • Be in a financially viable position to start and complete the project.

Do take a look at our comprehensive EDG guide for businesses to understand more.

I Concept Singapore is a creative design and branding agency, with a team of brand care experts with the technical know-hows to help develop a comprehensive and in-depth overall brand concept. We help businesses carve out a niche of their own, picking and placing the brand elements together to form an exciting whole. We also specialise in assisting businesses to refresh their branding, lending helping hands in the remaking and revamping process, including website design and revamps.

Contact us now as you venture towards an exciting branding (or even rebranding) and improve on your business’s market position.

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Impersonation of I Concept Innovation Pte Ltd

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The I Concept Team