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Sell it with words: 5 tips for creating effective eCommerce copy

Branding, Copywriting, Creative Agency, Digital Copywriting, Digital Marketing, ECommerce, Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media Marketing


The art of eCommerce copywriting is akin to walking on a tightrope: it requires precision and finesse at every step, while maintaining a fine balance between describing your products and appealing to your audience’s interests and/or needs. 

Having compelling product descriptions, landing page copy and even social media copy can make all the difference between a sale and a missed opportunity. An eCommerce copywriter’s main goals are to convince its audience to purchase products on its online store, while ranking high on search engines.

Here are I Concept’s top 5 tips to help you create effective eCommerce copy that drives conversions and boosts your online sales. Develop your eCommerce website and more with I Concept. We are your one-stop creative agency with full-fledged capabilities in digital marketing, branding and eCommerce development – but more on us later!

Why is Copywriting So Important for Ecommerce?

You never get a second chance to make a great first impression.’ 

On average, the global cart abandonment rate on eCommerce sites in 2021 was close to 70%. This means that a majority of visitors drop off from the website before completing a purchase. Before your audience decides to bounce from your site, you will have a short window frame to capture their audience and convince them that your products are worth their time and money.

Good, attention-grabbing copywriting can make sure of that. Some of its benefits include:

  • Brand differentiation: The right tone and language used can make your brand feel relatable yet distinct from any other brands, which in turn will make your products feel one-of-a-kind.
  • More sales conversions: Respect your audience’s time with a copy that is direct and addresses their needs, and they will be less hesitant when making a purchase.
  • Relationship building: Copy that speaks to the hearts of your audience creates a strong bond between you and them, goes a long way in gaining their trust and loyalty, and forms the foundations of a long-term relationship.

Copywriting is integral to the success of any eCommerce website, but how does someone even begin to craft meaningful and impactful copy? Here are some of our best practices that we have refined over the many years of working in an esteemed creative agency:

Tip #1: Understand Your Target Audience

Just as how you would tweak your mannerisms to speak more candidly with your friends, affectionately with a partner, and respectfully with colleagues, gaining a deep understanding of your target audience is key to communicating effectively with them. To craft eCommerce copy that resonates with your customers, you should conduct prior market research to identify their preferences, pain points, and motivations. From their demographics and purchasing habits, you can then create buyer personas to build a comprehensive understanding of who you are writing for.

Tip #2: Focus on Benefits, Not Just Features

Imagine walking a mile in your target audience’s shoes. What are their struggles, their concerns? What do they desire? 

While it is important to describe the features that encompass your products and services, it is more impactful to write compelling copy that exhibits the benefits to your audience. Using the buyer personas that you have created as reference, your copy should cleverly express how the product solves an existing problem, fulfils a need, or enhances their life. Use persuasive language that evokes emotions to highlight the positive impact of owning your brand’s products or engaging your services.

Take homegrown fashion brand, The Editor’s Market, for example. Rather than simply describing the silhouette or fabric material of their various apparels, the product category descriptions are succinctly written with its real life benefits in mind. Copy that goes ‘Timeless designs and versatile silhouettes for every occasion’ reminds the brand’s target audience that their products are value for money.

Tip #3: Use Clear and Concise Language

If you have made it thus far, congratulations! You are far above the average internet user, whose attention span on the internet is only 8 seconds long. So let us cut to the chase.

It is no secret that online shoppers tend to skim through product descriptions, so it is crucial to be clear and concise in your eCommerce copy. Avoid using jargon, industry-specific terms, or overly complex language that might lead to confusion or frustration. Keep it short and sweet, while using short paragraphs, bullet points, and subheadings to break up the text and make it more readable.

Apple, the electronics brand that everyone wants to take a bite of, has iconically redefined the meaning of short and snappy copy in their product advertisements and on Apple Store Online. Subheaders like ‘The latest. Take a look at what’s new, now.’ are eye-catching without being cliché or long-winded.  

Tip #4: Create a Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

With enough practice, you can become adept in writing effective copy that tugs at your audience’s heartstrings (and e-wallets too). But wait, what is missing?

As mentioned in the introduction, eCommerce copywriting is a balancing act. With the eloquence of your new-found copywriting skill, you should ensure that your USP is not drowned out. Your products and services’ USP sets your brand apart from all other brands, and should therefore be front and center in your product descriptions.

Some USPs include having exceptional quality, exclusive features, patented technologies, unbeatable prices, or even outstanding customer services. If your audience eventually perceives your brand’s offerings to be one-of-a-kind and comparable to none, then your job is done. *chef’s kiss*

Tip #5: Craft a Compelling Call to Action (CTA)

Now that your target audience is convinced of the wonders of your products and services, your copy should guide customers toward the desired action of making a purchase. Create strong and compelling CTAs that are clear and action-oriented like “Add to Cart”, “Shop Now” or “Learn More” to encourage user engagement.

Grow Your eCommerce Business with Us

Mastering the art of eCommerce copywriting will be a trial-and-error process – one filled with minor setbacks but fulfilling nonetheless. By understanding your audience, highlighting benefits, and employing persuasive techniques, you can significantly improve your conversion rates and enhance the shopping experience for your customers. Effective eCommerce copywriting is a continuous journey, but when done right, it can make a substantial impact on your business’s success.

Alternatively, you can engage the services of I Concept Singapore for your digital copywriting needs and more. We are a creative agency with an experienced team of copywriters, graphic designers and programmers. 

For reading to the end of this article, here is a little something extra: the Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) grants SMEs in Singapore up to 50% subsidy when you engage I Concept’s digital marketing services.

Chat with us here to learn more!

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