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Web Design Trends to Note in 2022

Branding, Marketing, Web Development


Web design trends are very much like fashion trends – some stick while others fade away. With websites being a key touchpoint for most brands and businesses, it makes a great platform to showcase your brand’s personality and to reflect your brand identity while staying ahead of the curve.

In this post, we take a look at some website design styles and trends that will prevail this year.

Do note, however, that if you have a website that has been built recently with some of the User Interface (UI) design trends from the past couple of years, there’s no need to panic. Just like your year-old (or two) phone models, they aren’t considered outdated. And keeping to quality content (such as having relevant information and good digital copywriting) is more important.

If you are looking to update your old website design or build a new website for your new start-up, we present you with 6 trends that have been gaining traction and will continue to rule through 2022.

  1. Single-Page Websites

One-pagers have been among the hottest UX (user experience) trends for a couple of years now. Based on the piling amount of websites with simplified site structures, it comes as no surprise that this year will be another strong year for these single-page websites

Users are less likely to abandon a single-page site because there is no confusion on where they should click to go next. Single-page design is perfect for sites that require a simple user interface.

Users also prefer a linear navigation flow, as it allows them to proceed seamlessly through the sections without any unnecessary evidence of page jumps.

  1. Visual Illustrations

Illustrative design has already secured its place in the web universe among design trends that will be thriving for a number of years. Illustrations are considered one of the most well-known means of depicting and conveying a message. Used in web design, illustrations make it easy for users to understand what is being shared and ensure that a company’s branding is kept consistent.

By providing an aesthetic element to a website, illustrations also entice users to keep scrolling and exploring the page’s content. 

The cartoon style of visual representation has proven to be successful in using humour to make content relevant and attractive to viewers.

Illustration remains a popular form of visual communication, and it can be a useful way to convey a brand’s message. Brands can use illustrations to create unique site designs that are instantly recognisable, or they can use illustrations in social media posts to make their brand more approachable to customers.

  1. Bold & Experimental Typography

There is no wrong way to do typography. Not in 2022. Big bold fonts – yes, even serifs – are everywhere. And they look fantastic. 

When playing with this web design trend, think about how the typefaces will respond, as things look pretty different on laptops and on mobile screens, and how to maximise its impact for your visitors. 

Many experimental typefaces aren’t just designed with flair, they also include elements such as animations or flex options.

From outlines to colour fonts, to shifting shapes and fills, bold and experimental type options are dominating website designs. When it comes to today’s web typography, there really are no rules and designers are playing with a little bit of everything.

  1. Linework

One of the latest UX design trends is line art and design. As the name suggests, websites that are created with the line design in mind have thick or thin lines that form geometric shapes. These designs can be very minimalist, sometimes almost appearing unfinished, but these lines often indicate a sense of cleanliness. They are frequently used to bring association to high technology, architecture and real estate.

According to designers, linework finds the perfect balance between sophisticated layout and performance. And outstanding linework has the ability to enhance a user’s experience of the website, visually guiding the user from section to section.

  1. Interactive Web Design

Usability of a website is a given essential, but it is not enough to create a memorable experience. While design plays a huge role in website functionality, interactivity plays an equally important role in helping users engage with the content. As a business, it’s your job to answer the call of the interactive experience by thinking out of the box to create captivating experiences for your users.

Interactive web design is quite potent, as it can reveal much about your website, without the need for users to check out all of the pages. Instead, you can easily and conveniently show them the true value of your products or services at a glance.

  1. Minimalism and Almost Brutalism

Minimalist websites with simple and clean interfaces make it easy for users to navigate. Since they don’t carry unnecessary elements like complicated animations and heavy-design schemes, minimalist websites load much faster than other sites. This allows visitors to your website to concentrate on what you are offering, without being distracted by flashy designs or overwhelming content.

A subset of this is the rise of near-brutalist design. Brutalism is the website design trend that people want to jump on board with, but it may be too harsh and sharp to work for most projects. Then enters the latest iteration of the trend – almost brutalism

Almost brutalist designs use many of the same stark effects, but with a lighter edge. Rather than mono typefaces, easier-on-the-eyes serifs and sans serif fonts are applied. Rather than sharp edges, there are ample spaces between different elements, even if there are some distinct boundaries and lines.

There aren’t a lot of frills or other visuals, leaving colour and text to carry these projects.

Create the Website Your Brand Needs

These design trends should serve as a guide, a source of inspiration for you to start thinking about how you may want your website to look and feel. You may incorporate different elements to create a website that you desire, but what is important is that it reflects the values of your business. 

Need help in web design and website development for your brand? Your top creative agency in Singapore is here to lend you a hand. An integrated creative design agency, the team at I Concept Singapore comprises designers, programmers and digital copywriters who will listen to your needs and guide you through planning and creating a website that best represents your brand to the world. 

Get in touch with us today, and let us build your desired website together with you.

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