URGENT: SCAM ALERT: There have been individuals claiming to be representatives from I Concept Innovation Pte Ltd. DO NOT respond to these individuals. Please verify such communications by sending us an email at: info@i-concept.com.sg

What Is An Omnichannel ECommerce Platform?

ECommerce, Web Development

With Singapore set to become a regional hub for eCommerce, it has become common for brands to upgrade their eCommerce design to an omnichannel platform. An omnichannel eCommerce platform blends the divide between digital and physical stores, allowing your customers to get the same experience from any touchpoint.

The consistent goal, messaging and design across all channels means that customers are given a seamless and integrated experience. For instance, your eCommerce customers will be able to opt for pickups at physical outlets, while in-store customers can redeem online deals for their purchases.

Why Should You Have An Omnichannel ECommerce Platform In Singapore?

Omnichannel eCommerce platforms allow customers to start and end their purchases on different channels and devices. Since all of your touchpoints are integrated, you can now enhance your user journey and customer experience

In the past, customers have to head down to a retail store to check if a product is available. If not, they’d have to get the store to check on its availability by calling and asking other outlets. But at this point, your customers may already be too frustrated to continue chasing after the product.

Instead of leaving purchases up to luck, an omnichannel eCommerce platform offers customers a more convenient method – to reserve a product online and pick it up in-store. 

This is an invaluable way to secure purchases while ensuring that your customers are skipping the hassle and saving time to get what they want. Other than seeing an increase in customer satisfaction and sales figures, you’ll also be optimising your labour force.

Additionally, focusing on multiple platforms allows you to convert audiences online or offline. When you advertise your physical outlets on your eCommerce website and vice versa, you are likely to attract tech-savvy customers to visit your retail stores.

By leveraging on various touchpoints, you’ll gain the flexibility to automate sales, encourage repeat purchases and build a loyal customer base. Introducing an omnichannel eCommerce platform distinguishes you from the crowd, offering your customers memorable and top-notch shopping experiences. 

Keen on upgrading your eCommerce website design in Singapore?

If you’re a registered and operating SME in Singapore with at least 30% local shareholding, you can opt to apply for the Productivity Solutions Grant. The PSG Grant offers up to 80% subsidy for companies looking to adopt IT solutions and equipment to enhance their business, including eCommerce in Singapore. 

Simply register for a CorpPass account, get a quotation from a pre-approved vendor for eCommerce solutions and submit an application on the Business Grant Portal. Now, you just need to wait for the approval to come.

Interested in getting a quotation for your brand? Contact a pre-approved web developer to guide you through the application and design process today.

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Scam Alert

Impersonation of I Concept Innovation Pte Ltd (Singapore)

Impersonation of I Concept Innovation Pte Ltd

It has come to our attention that individuals claiming to be representatives from
I Concept Pte Ltd (Singapore) are offering fraudulent freelance job opportunities and other types of scams under our name, often providing the link to the websites under i-conceptanalysis.com, i-conceptaudit.com, i-conceptevaluate.com and i-conceptsystem.com. There may be other domains that we are unaware of.

We unequivocally state that these scam websites and any other websites other than our actual one (i-concept.com.sg), as well as the representatives claiming to be from our company, do not belong to I Concept Innovation Pte Ltd (Singapore). We strongly urge you not to respond to these solicitations and to verify the legitimacy of such communication by sending us an email at:

Please note that we will never ask you for your sensitive personal details including but not limited to your bank account number and/or passwords, as well as any form of payment. We have already filed a police report – Report No. G/20240516/7030.

If you are a victim of these scams, kindly file a police report at your end.

The I Concept Team