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5 Creative #StayHome Campaign Ideas For Sports Brands

Branding, Campaigns, Creative Agency, Digital Marketing, What's Trending

Creative Agency Singapore, Creative Campaigns, Digital Marketing

The courts and fields may be closed, but sports continue to live on through #StayHome workouts, re-runs of sports highlights and the regular joggers/runners heading out. In fact, there’re still Singaporeans shopping for sporting apparel online, as seen from Adidas’ recent delays in their shipping orders. Goes to show that the potential remains for sporting brands to come up with a creative campaign during this time!

Ideas are the driving force behind marketing campaigns, and being a creative agency in Singapore, we’ve got ideas aplenty. This recent streak of #StayHome messages has got us thinking: how should sports brand approach creative campaigns during this COVID-19 pandemic?

Successful creative campaigns require ideas and we’ve got some lightbulbs in our head. So, let’s brighten your paths with these 5 creative #StayHome campaign ideas that are perfect for sporting brands to execute during this medical crisis we’re facing:

#StayHome Exercise (With Product Placement)

Everyone’s stuck at home and there’s a handful that prefers to stay at home during this coronavirus period, even for their workouts and exercises. In fact, we spotted a rising trend of various gyms coming up with #StayHome exercise sessions gaining quite a bit of traction. 

Well, you don’t have to manage a gym account for some #StayHome exercise content or post a full workout video to help Singaporeans exercise at home. It could be something as simple as some exercise routines in static image form with suggested reps and varying intensity. 

Add a little product placement within your post that helps with their workouts, such as a yoga mat for floor-related exercises, anti-slip socks to prevent falling, or even a water bottle to keep them hydrated as they power through your suggested exercise. Feel free to throw in a few health tips or motivational quotes as well.

Influencer Marketing

A lot of businesses are not working but most of the influencers are. That’s right, despite the virtual lockdown and the social distancing measures, the influencers are still strutting their stuff and continuing with sponsored posts for various brands.

Besides, there isn’t much to do these days at home, which means many are tuning into social media more often. Whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or even Youtube, there’re probably more active users these few months browsing through the content there (we’re guilty of it too). 

So, what’s stopping you from doing the same? Plan an effective influencer marketing strategy and find the right influencer to get your name out there with the best of them. Approach them directly or talk to an influencer management company to kick-start your plans.

Tagging On Re-Opening News (i.e. McDonald’s, Bubble Tea)

The digital world moves fast with trends coming in and out within weeks or even days, which is why sometimes you need an ear on the pavement and stay alert to the upcoming trends in Singapore. 

With the circuit breaker measures slowly but surely easing off, more and more businesses are re-opening their doors for customers, such as fan-favourites of McDonald’s and our national drink boba tea. 

When they reopened on May 11, you could see long queues outside of various McDonald’s outlets around the island. Goes to show that there’s really an opportunity for a campaign right here.

Creative Agency Singapore, Digital Marketing Singapore, Creative Campaigns(Taken from MSN)

Tag on these re-openings for a campaign, such as “Burn Calories Before Your Upcoming Feasts” or even partnering with them for their re-openings. While McDonald’s has since opened, the popular BBT outlets are still closed for business. Utilising these types of reactive marketing strategy is highly effective in earning eyeballs and brand recalls. 

Don’t be afraid to call in help from a creative agency with digital marketing expertise! (;

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) With Delivery Personnel

People of today are no longer just satisfied with great products and exceptional services, they’re also looking for a brand that shows they care about the world as much as they do, especially during this pandemic. 

Social distancing has influenced creative campaigns, but CSR and social campaigns still remain big hits during this time. Even small acts of kindness are often well-received and heavily shared within the social media sphere, especially for our food delivery personnel donning green or pink. 

Partner up with the delivery personnel by offering them sporting apparel that can make their job just a tad easier, be it comfortable sports shoes, compression tights, cooling outfits, massage socks, or even just a bottle to keep them hydrated. 

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) With Healthcare Frontliners

Similar to running a CSR for delivery personnel, another group that has put their heart and soul throughout this COVID-19 health crisis is our healthcare frontliners. (SALUTE!) They’ve put themselves at risk of contracting the coronavirus while caring for the rising number of infected cases within the entire nation.

There’s already been a couple of social campaigns and feel-good initiatives targeting this group of modern-day heroes, such as the clapping, singing, free food and drinks from various brands and even art submissions to encourage healthcare workers (#SGArtforHCW). 

Given the tireless roles and strenuous tasks the medical professionals have to perform, sporting brands have an opportunity to truly help them as part of an impactful healthcare campaign in a similar manner as with the delivery personnel. Major sports brands can also redirect their resources to creating essential items during this period, such as those fashion brands making face masks.

A Good Sport: Our Unique Team

We’re always for the challenge of helping brands and businesses even before the onset of the coronavirus crisis. With the onset of an economic recession, brands should be even more focused and deliberate in their creative campaigns and digital marketing plans. What we mean to say is, invest in the right creative agency for you.

If we were able to come up with 5 generic ideas for sporting brands, imagine what we could do with some time to create a tailored and unique creative campaign for your brand. In short, call us. You won’t regret it (;

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