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6 Creative Campaign Ideas For Non-Profit Sector During COVID-19

Campaigns, Creative Agency, Digital Marketing

Creative Campaigns by Creative Agency in Singapore

Since the DORSCON level has been raised to Orange, the non-profit sector has been hit with various hurdles such as fewer volunteers and decreased donations. With Singapore looking to enter a new norm of social distancing past the circuit breaker, the outlook seems bleak for non-profit organisations and in need of help. Besides branding, a creative agency like ourselves is always looking to solve problems like these.

Contrary to popular belief, creative campaigns are not just all about marketing and engagement, but they’re also tools to achieve a specific goal and solve an existing communication problem. Helping philanthropic organisations definitely falls under this category, especially for a team that has diverse experience in this sector.

To lend a hand to the various charities in navigating this time of crisis, we decided to share some of our creative campaign ideas that can help you get through this pandemic and sustain your operations:


Due to the economic recession, many Singaporeans are facing an uncertain future from companies downsizing (e.g. Airbnb) or cutting costs in one way or another. Facing the impending unemployment rates, the government even had to set out another budget specifically to target the job market.

However, there’re Singaporeans that are facing worse circumstances and situations in need of help from charities or other non-profit organisations. In tough times like these, the feeling of needing help and extra tangible support is something we can relate to and empathise with.

Rather than seeing it as a difficult time, it’s actually an opportunity for non-profit organisations to reach out to Singaporeans and incite empathy. Using emotional advertising angles, the non-profit sector can attract donations from the audience who are in a better financial situation.

S$X A Day

Besides containing the community spread of COVID-19, social distancing has also put distance between those who need help and those who can offer them. As more and more scam calls and fake non-profit organisations pop up, the public becomes apprehensive to the difficult situations that the less fortunate are in.

Most are only comfortable with one-off donations to the more renowned organisations in fear of the right people not receiving the aid they need. One-off donations are also not as effective in sustaining these non-profit enterprises.

A creative campaign showing how pledging a small amount per day can deliver so much to a family in need should do the trick. By reducing monthly payments to insignificant daily amounts (equivalent to a cup of bubble tea for example), it reduces the barrier for donations and provides a more sustainable flow moving forward. It’s also an effective social marketing tactic.


Social media usage is up, which is rather unsurprising as (almost) everyone has been playing the good citizen and staying home in line with the circuit breaker measures. What’s surprising is the lack of a proper channel for COVID-19 stories so far.

Human interest stories have dominated the social media sphere for the better part of the past decade, as real and emotional stories have often proved to be good for getting customer engagement. So why not tap on them?

By being the first channel to utilise human interest stories of lives impacted by COVID-19, a non-profit organisation could potentially stand out (i.e. @HumansOfNewYork) and address the lack of awareness and engagement for its own brand.


There’s been a couple of great coronavirus-related campaigns executed by major brands of the likes of Nike and IKEA, in support of the message for social distancing amidst these troubled times. But that may not be the best option for everyone.

‘Home’ can mean a wide range of things to different Singaporeans — from the cheesy to the meaningful, most people attribute home to where they stay and the family they’re with. While we’re not dissing these definitions, a home might look very different through the eyes of the less fortunate.

In the same thought, a creative campaign that focuses on this angle could potentially grasp the hearts and possibly donations from the audience. Through the showcase of the vastly different living conditions of those in need, it could motivate action by playing on the words: #StayHome.

Going Virtual

As part of the social distancing measures, mass gatherings have been banned to prevent widespread community infections and not many would realise how this adversely impacts the non-profit sector.

One of the key funding sources for some philanthropic organisations is fundraising events, which has become temporarily disallowed. Events like these are capable of raising up to S$1 – S$2 million dollars in funds and can help to sustain the various communities receiving the aid.

All’s not lost thanks to the technologies of today serving up a fresh new alternative: virtual events. Moving these fundraising events to a virtual space such as social media or a live streaming platform, non-profit organisations can adjust the activities online and reach out to a wider group of audience. This allows them to reap the same benefits of fundraisers on a potentially larger scale.


No, we’re not suggesting a rebellion or a going-out party. But we’re tapping on the cabin fever and restlessness that many Singaporeans are facing at home, evident from the rising volume of calls to the mental health assistance hotline.

Volunteers can fall under the essential services that are allowed to head out of their homes. Of course, they’re case-by-case basis and require approval from the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY).

So, angling a creative campaign around giving Singaporeans an opportunity to ‘step out’ for some ‘fresh air’ could provide a push for volunteers. Besides, there isn’t much to do around at home anyway and it could be beneficial for them to do some good for the community!

Creative Campaigns For You

Regardless of profit or non-profit sectors, you can be confident that we can develop an effective creative campaign for your brand. After all, we did show you what we can do for a generic non-profit organisation. We’re going to let you imagine what we can do with some time and a unique brand such as yours.

Oh… you’re done imagining? You can get to us here.

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The I Concept Team