URGENT: SCAM ALERT: There have been individuals claiming to be representatives from I Concept Innovation Pte Ltd. DO NOT respond to these individuals. Please verify such communications by sending us an email at: info@i-concept.com.sg

ITB by Steve Towers

Mobile App

The Brand
International Tax Bytes by Steve Towers (“ITB”) video podcasts provide a weekly review of the significant international tax developments impacting multinationals, covering hot issues (e.g., digital taxation), case studies, regional tax news (Asia Pacific, Europe, Africa, Middle East & Central Asia, Americas), treaties, as well as some worth reading articles.

The Solution
I Concept team designed the overall system structure, planning, UI/ UX design and development for ITB’s website and mobile app. The system comes with a membership subscription and auto-renewal features. For mobile app, ITB members are able to download the video for offline view. The website and mobile app are also complete with certificate generation when ITB members viewed more than 80% of a particular video.

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Scam Alert

Impersonation of I Concept Innovation Pte Ltd (Singapore)

Impersonation of I Concept Innovation Pte Ltd

It has come to our attention that individuals claiming to be representatives from
I Concept Pte Ltd (Singapore) are offering fraudulent freelance job opportunities and other types of scams under our name, often providing the link to the websites under i-conceptanalysis.com, i-conceptaudit.com, i-conceptevaluate.com and i-conceptsystem.com. There may be other domains that we are unaware of.

We unequivocally state that these scam websites and any other websites other than our actual one (i-concept.com.sg), as well as the representatives claiming to be from our company, do not belong to I Concept Innovation Pte Ltd (Singapore). We strongly urge you not to respond to these solicitations and to verify the legitimacy of such communication by sending us an email at:

Please note that we will never ask you for your sensitive personal details including but not limited to your bank account number and/or passwords, as well as any form of payment. We have already filed a police report – Report No. G/20240516/7030.

If you are a victim of these scams, kindly file a police report at your end.

The I Concept Team