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eCommerce Singapore: Questions To Ask Creative Agencies

Creative Agency, ECommerce, Web Development

eCommerce Singapore: Questions To Ask Creative Agencies

How do creative agencies and eCommerce tie in together you might ask? Well, creative agencies help to come up with multi-channel marketing strategies and stories to help eCommerce clients either sell a product or rebrand themselves. It can range from consultation sessions to full creative campaigns with a brand story and brand strategy involving aspects like social media and other digital marketing platforms. eCommerce even helped a candy floss shop ride out the crisis, so think of what a creative agency with an eCommerce background can do for you. Creative agencies can also help adapt your eCommerce digital marketing strategy to the current crisis or help you get creative in the increasingly saturated market. As a business, here are some questions you might ask – why do you need a creative agency, how can creative agencies help eCommerce business grow, and of course what are some recommended strategies from creative agencies? Sit tight and we’ll do our best to answer them. 

Why do you need a creative agency?

Creative agencies help you to see opportunities where one normally wouldn’t see. In the 1980s, British athlete, Daley Thompson, said: “I train twice on Christmas Day because I know the others aren’t training at all. It gives me two extra days.” A creative agency helps you – make the most of a current situation through its experience, drive eCommerce growth and devise campaigns to navigate you through the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.

What’s next for eCommerce?

What’s next for eCommerce you might ask? From a creative agency standpoint, eCommerce technology trends this year points to a lot more social media integration. Facebook’s new shopping feature and Instagram Shop are allowing consumers to shop and surf social networks at the same time. As social is a creative agency’s forte, touching both segments is akin to hitting 2 birds with 1 stone. For those who are curious, here’s how to set up Instagram Shopping to sell more products.

How can creative agencies help eCommerce businesses grow?

Creative agencies have the panache for understanding target audiences and seeking out messages which resonate with them. To help the business grow, one must understand who is the target audience. By understanding the psyche of the target audience, creative agencies can craft messages to help drive the story and ideals of an eCommerce brand or product. This, in turn, helps that business grow. Creative agencies know how to balance pushing out creative campaigns and ad spend in an economic crisis.

What are some strategies creative agencies recommend?

Depending on your industry, budget and products, creative agencies help to build multi-channel strategies that can:

  • Increase/decrease spending
  • Fully optimise your marketing budget 
  • Leverage all your chosen touchpoints 
  • Be fluid even amidst economic uncertainty
  • Improve awareness 

In this era, the COVID-19 impact on the economy has demanded a different mix of strategies to help drive eCommerce and other goals. Creative agencies are often equipped with proprietary tech to help them analyse various sectors and the feasibility of pushing out various campaigns. For example, advertising and creative agencies have partnered with smaller businesses to help their marketing. They have also offered creative communications and strategy aid for businesses during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.


If you’re keen to speak to a creative agency to see what we can do, drop us a message for a campaign unique to your brand. What could go wrong?

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