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Global Digital Marketing: How 5 Brands Are Leveraging Tik Tok

Campaigns, Creative Agency, Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing

How 5 Brands Are Leveraging Tik Tok

If you haven’t heard, Tik Tok is the tok of the town. Undeniably, this is also why many brands have set foot into the world of Tik Tok to establish their presence and connect with a wider audience as part of their digital marketing efforts. Gucci, Lush, Etude House Singapore, Gov.sg and Fenty Beauty are just some of the many brands who are dominating the app. You probably think Tik Tok is where the Gen Z population is at or it’s just full of dance challenges. But creative agencies in Singapore are including Tik Tok in its digital marketing strategies and are doing so with tact. So before you hate the platform for what it is, let us first find out what exactly Tik Tok is.

The rise of Tik Tok

Launched in September 2016, the app initially was released in China with the name ‘Douyin’. In 2017, the app was later introduced globally as Tik Tok and is now made available to over 150 countries. Essentially, Tik Tok is a platform where people can edit and share their videos. You may find the concept Tik Tok roughly familiar as it is a combination of well-known apps, Musical.ly and Dubsmash. From dance challenges to exciting life hacks or even food recipes, the app has plenty to offer. Plus, TikTok (Douyin) has acquired 800 million monthly active users. So if you’re still sceptical about hopping on the bandwagon, let’s dive into how 5 brands have leveraged on Tik Tok!

    • Gucci


You read that right — your favourite high-end brand is on Tik Tok. And no, they don’t do dance challenges or neither do they feature comedy-like content. Gucci landed on Tik Tok with their own original content. Featuring the #AccidentalInfluencer challenge, the brand drops the new #GucciTennis1977 sneaker collection as they make their debut on Tik Tok. Inspired by the idea of imitation and replication, this digital campaign perfectly depicts the world of fashion in today’s context — same same, but different. Of course, they don’t forget to urge you to join in the challenge. Just remember you have to be clad in the Gucci’s Tennis 1977 sneakers before they notice you. Notice the approach of how Gucci announced the new product was tweaked to fit the more playful and fun nature of Tik Tok.

    • Lush

I’m sure you’ve walked past a physical Lush store where the heavenly scent wafts out. Lush’s Tik Tok is here to appeal to your sense of sight instead. The team at Lush does hashtag challenges, aesthetic bath bombs videos and even shares user-generated content (UGC). The best way to resonate with users is to make relatable content as part of an effective content strategy. So here’s an example of the Lush team attempting their version of the #chooseyourcharacter challenge!


As corny as it may seem, the Tik Tok hashtag challenges can be the next big thing for your brand. 😉

  • Etude House Singapore

Tik Tok had opened up its gates for brands to advertise on its platform a while back. This gives the perfect opportunity for brands to tap into a new range of audience. Local brands in Singapore are also advertising on Tik Tok with fun and unique content. Let’s take a look at how Etude House Singapore does their ads on Tik Tok:


Pastel colours, soft, dreamy — these are the words you may find synonymous with the brand. Promoting the launch of their new eyeshadow palette, Etude House Singapore features its product launch in an extremely dreamlike video. Plus, the app even offers the option of ‘Shop Now’ which leads you to the Etude House Singapore account — with the Shopee interface — where users are able to shop their range of products. Talk about killing two birds with one stone! Not only are users made aware of the new product, but they’re also able to immediately shop for it as it is linked to their direct Shopee account! So be it if you’re launching a new product or advocating for a cause, Tik Tok can be the place to be (to feature your ads).

  • Gov.sg

When the COVID-19 outbreak hit Singapore, the government took its efforts to various instant messaging platforms like WhatsApp and Telegram to reach out to the masses. In order to keep citizens on top of news and updates, the government was indeed quick to identify and be where their target audience is. Now, they’re also on Tik Tok.


From updates to tips on being effective at home to comedic-yet-relatable content, the gov.sg Tik Tok account is extremely active and social as they offer both entertainment and educational content. To retain engagement, this was how Gov.sg responded to the COVID-19 situation. Tactical, I must say.

  • Fenty Beauty

Fenty Beauty is more than just sassy — they’re a beauty brand with much to learn from. The Fenty Tik Tok account boasts a variety of content from pro tips to UGC and even original hashtag challenges! If you’re a fan of their products, we promise you’d love their Tik Tok account equally as much. There are many brands who host giveaways on this platform. Let’s look at how Fenty did it:


The giveaway was launched in line with a makeup tutorial that they had dropped on their Youtube account, which features the face of the brand, Rihanna. Utilising the famous feature of lip-syncing, the mechanics of the campaign was well suited for the platform indeed. No denying the giveaway drew an immense number of video participation.

It’s not a must to be on Tik Tok in order to attract a new audience, but it’s good to know what the platform can do for you. If you’re still on the fence about it, don’t fret. Tik Tok doesn’t even require you to sign up for an account for you to scroll through some fascinating content. If you’re looking for a creative agency in Singapore to explore and execute digital marketing strategies for you, look no more. Our brand guardians are more than happy to help you get started with it!

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