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How To Make Your eCommerce Website Engaging And Interactive

Digital Marketing, ECommerce, Web Development

How To Make Your eCommerce Website Engaging And Interactive

In a period where most eCommerce websites are stepping up their game to leverage on this upturn, the smaller players can take a leaf out of their book as well. Consumers aren’t able to check out their favourite brands in stores, so the next best thing is to engage your consumers via the digital sphere through efforts like live-streaming eCommerce, social shopping on Instagram and even eCommerce gamification. Who knows, you might even further improve the eCommerce website shopping experience by making more engaging and interactive

Let’s jump straight in!

Live streaming and eCommerce

During Lazada’s 7th birthday sale, the eCommerce giant live-streamed a music concert headlined by Dua Lipa on its app spanning across its six markets in the APAC region. In 2020, LazLive – Lazada’s own eCommerce live stream went live with Singaporean personalities to give out shopping vouchers for Lazada’s 8th birthday.

Live-streaming and eCommerce are growing increasingly intertwined as consumers want that live interaction element to be able to view what is being sold. Take the S-hook Zeh Zeh who was one of the pioneers of live-stream selling on Facebook Live. Consumers have sought out new experiences when shopping and live-streaming eCommerce sales by giants like Lazada, Facebook Live and Shoppee is a good way to start enticing buyers and sellers.

Social Shopping

Seen a really cool look on Instagram that you really wanted to buy but couldn’t seem to find any information about it? Well, that’s about to end because more brands and businesses are adding their products on social media – shopping on Instagram where consumers can click on tabs leading to more information or the checkout page to purchase the item. One great point is that consumers can see the product, not just via a small photo on an eCommerce site but rather as part of an outfit or how it can be used. Weaving this social media integration and eCommerce can definitely make shopping more engaging by providing more perspectives of the product/service.

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Leading the gamification charge was Lazada’s 11.11 Slash It game where users had to share a link on their own social media platforms. Consumers had to get their friends to click on the link to ’slash’ the price of the product itself. With such simple game mechanics, it’s a very user-friendly process with high ROI. These are some of the ways eCommerce giants are helping consumers shop more, raise awareness for their sales and it’s something that we can help you create as well!

Good UI/UX

Without a doubt, having good User Interface and User Experience features plays an essential role in making a pleasant shopping experience. Intuitively-placed buttons and a smooth layout make for easy navigation and dwell time, which naturally leads to more conversions. 


If you want an example of a great layout, drop us a message for some samples! Or if you already have an idea in mind, speak to us and we’ll see how to knock something out for you to make your eCommerce website engaging and interactive to your consumers.

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The I Concept Team