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12 Reasons to invest in good digital marketing strategies

Campaigns, Digital Copywriting, Digital Marketing, ECommerce, Marketing


There is hardly any business these days that’s not making any effort for its strong digital existence. And there is no doubt over the fact that presence in the virtual world is a dire need for all. 

Considering how smartphones and AI are taking over our lives, business entities are looking for ways to modify their models. Some entrepreneurs are shifting to entirely digital mediums. Whereas, others are beefing up their current marketing efforts with digital strategies with the help of social media agencies.

All have only one motive, and that is to reach target customers. Indeed, the digital marketplace has lucrative potential.

But it is all about how you utilise your resources and what benefits you offer. The traffic that comes to your platform must convert to sales or leads. Otherwise, your campaign will be going down the drain pretty soon.

Always keep in mind that digital marketing is not a one-time effort. It needs upgrading, consistency, and collaboration of different mediums. 

Here, we break down the top reasons why you should be taking the leap toward digital marketing, to reap its many benefits.

  • It is cost-effective

Unlike conventional methods, the digital marketing campaign can reach out to customers at quite low costs

Mediums like TV, magazines, and radios will indeed reign their supremacy, but they demand quite large budgets. This is particularly tough to handle by small and medium-sized enterprises with little resources at hand.

Meanwhile, elements like Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), social media, content marketing, and display advertising are the components of digital marketing. 

  • It gets higher conversions

Where other media require the customers to get up, place a call, or visit the stores, digital media is quite different in comparison. Your customers are essentially only a few clicks away from a purchase.

That is why business owners work along the lines of conversion optimisation. They use techniques like SEO to enhance their digital profile. 

  • Expands your reach

The Internet is rocket fuel for growth for small and medium enterprises. 

Regardless of the financial limitations, you can reach out far and wide across the globe through digital media. 

Because the content you put out there, be it on your website or social media channels, is able to reach almost all corners of the Earth, your message and your brand can justly reach as far. As they say, the sky’s the limit, or even limitless when it comes to digital marketing. All you need is an Internet connection.

  • It generates more revenue

Higher conversion rates will inevitably amplify the revenue. A study in Hong Kong found that there is a 2.8% higher chance of growth for companies that use digital marketing strategies as compared to those that do not.

This, in turn, gives companies more funds to expand their workforce and technical skills.

  • Allows for better customer support

Customers will always pick a company that is there for them at all times. Even after the purchase, customers may have some queries or issues. It is the responsibility of the business to address those needs.

And digital marketing offers multiple ways to establish a personal rapport with customers. These include live charts, emails, and social media. Good and smart digital copywriting will bring your business closer to your customer through words.

  • It spots the weak areas

The best part about digital marketing is its dynamism and flexibility. When you allow for your customers to interact with you, you get to know their opinions and suggestions.

Apart from addressing their grievances, you will also understand any weak elements in your product or service, and chance to weed them out and upgrade according to public needs and sentiments. 

Not sure how you can better connect with your customers? Seek assistance from a digital agency, like us at I Concept Singapore, to gain better insights.

  • It connects you with mobile customers

There is an 80% chance that right now, you are reading this blog post on a smartphone. You can now do plenty of things on your phones, and this makes it essential for a business to switch its interface.

Optimisation to mobile is a digital marketing strategy that attracts more customers. The layout and functionality of your platform will convince the customers to make a purchase.

Purchase decisions today are heavily reliant on mobile optimisation of business websites. 

  • Tracking results is easy

Web analytics can show you the money you make from each virtual strategy. This helps to measure the effectiveness of your campaign. 

Plus, you also get to know how the customers are using your website. Their response to each tactic and product will enable you to rectify and upgrade accordingly.

  • Better ROI for marketing investments

There are different packages of digital marketing at varying cost levels. You can pick the one that fits your budget. Even small investments like social media adverts hold the potential to deliver results in terms of customer engagement.

You can calculate the ROI by measuring the conversion rates. This is difficult to figure out for traditional channels as they cover a vast audience, not a specific margin of people. If you’re unsure of where to start with digital marketing strategies, be in touch with a digital agency like I Concept Singapore to help you.

  • It increases the trust in your brand

One perk of using digital tactics is that conversions are easy to secure after a certain time. When you are present on different platforms, more people have a chance to connect with you. They rate your service as per their experience, and these reviews are a source of future conversions.

Lately, it is common for people to ping the social media pages of the brands in case of queries. Satisfying them compels them to leave positive remarks on your pages. This builds up a strong online reputation for the business.

  • It helps you get ahead of your competitors

Escalating the power of digital marketing makes it difficult for small players to compete with major entities. Of course, you cannot beat the tycoons instantly, but you can use tools to monitor your competitors.

You can track their products and strategies. Then, you can devise better tactics for your brand and change your strategies accordingly.

  • It helps you to customise

Digital tools enable you to have a properly maintained customer database. Then whenever someone visits your page (eCommerce or otherwise), you can provide them with customised offers.

If these people buy from you more than once, your chances of having a loyal customer increase. You can refine their profile and direct promotions effectively.

Invest in your digital marketing strategies right

Investing in digital marketing is the demand of the day. If you have been considering to invest in digital marketing, now is the time to kickstart.

Still not convinced by all the reasons above? Feel free to ask us anything and everything about digital marketing.

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