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5 Steps To Planning A #StayHome Creative Campaign For ECommerce

Campaigns, Digital Marketing, Web Development, What's Trending

StayHome Creative Campaign For ECommerce Singapore, Creative Agency Singapore

Almost everyone is doing a #StayHome creative campaign these days. Well, given the implementation of the circuit breaker measures, any brand and creative agency in Singapore will be wise to tweak their messaging amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

For small and medium enterprises (SMEs) with a working e-Commerce in Singapore, following the #StayHome trend is a great way to stay afloat as people stay apart to contain the spread of the coronavirus, and that means coming up with a #StayHome campaign for your own e-Commerce platform. (If you don’t have one, you should really look to approach an e-Commerce solutions provider or even a pre-approved PSG vendor for eCommerce website development.)

Ain’t got a clue on how to approach this? We got’chu. Here’s a simple 5-step guide to help with the planning of your very own #StayHome campaign:

1. Look For ‘The One’

No, no, we’re not asking you to go on any dating websites. (Not that you can go on any dates now.)

We mean finding THE product or service that your customers can enjoy from the comforts of their own home. If you’re just going to run a campaign for every single one of your products/services, you’re probably going to confuse yourself and your target audience.

There’s no rocket science involved in picking the right product/service, it just either has to be usable at home or, even better, can be used to protect themselves against COVID-19. As long as it fulfils any of the two criteria, you’ve already got yourself a winner. All that’s left is to ensure that you have a nice product photo within an effective eCommerce website design that you can use.

So pick one, or a series of products and roll with it.

2. The Perfect Angle

In most campaigns, finding the perfect marketing strategy is the toughest step for any marketing teams. Not this one though, the direction for your campaign is already served on a platter for you, all you got to do is eat (in this case, execute).

#STAYHOME. It’s the trend, and also your angle to use in this creative campaign.

You’ve got your chosen product/service and you’ve got your angle, now you just have to put them together like LEGO pieces. Our COVID-19 marketing tip? Link the product/service in question with the #StayHome angle.

3. A Resonating Message

Contrary to popular belief, the core of any campaign is actually the key message and not the product/service. You need to craft an impactful key message to get your point across and get your target audience clicking on that ‘Shop Now’ button.

Keep it short, keep it concise and keep it in-line with your brand’s tone of voice. Bonus points if you can localise it and make it witty as well. Key messages usually resonate better with Singaporeans when you can do that.

We understand not everyone is adept at writing a strategic key message and that’s what a creative agency with digital marketing services is for. Don’t be shy to approach one to develop a full-fledged creative campaign for your eCommerce store!

4. Choose Your FighterPlatform

The great thing about the digital era is that you’ve got options when it comes to creating a digital marketing campaign. The bad thing about the digital era when it comes to digital marketing is that you’ve got options.

You could cast a wide net and go with multiple platforms, but that only applies if you got the appropriate amount of budget. To maximise your marketing budget, it will be best for you to choose the right marketing channel before going into it.

Some platforms require attractive visuals to be effective, some only require text. Some cater to a professional community while some have a younger user base It really all depends on where your target audience is at and what are the assets that you have on hand.

5. Time For Takeoff

Everything’s in place and you’re just one step away from going live with your #StayHome campaign.

After choosing your platform for the campaign, you need to start creating your ad sets and finding your targeting strategy. You’ve gotta learn what your customers’ interests are, what they’re looking for and their demographic information.

Chances are that you’ve already got a list in mind when you started your business. Now, it’s just playing with the settings and the different executions with your chosen marketing platform, and believe me, there are A LOT of them.

A Creative Agency With ECommerce Experience

We’re a unicorn — we know digital marketing and we know eCommerce. Combining both our expertise is something that we hope to deliver for the various SMEs in Singapore looking to continue operating amidst the coronavirus situation as an award-winning creative agency. If you’re looking for a rare unicorn like us, drop us a contactless note in our contact us page! 😉

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