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5 Ways to Improve ECommerce Website Customer Experience

Digital Marketing, ECommerce, Web Development

As more and more consumers turn to online shopping for convenience, variety, and competitive pricing, their expectations for customer experience also continue to rise.

Research from HubSpot found that 80% of consumers would stop considering a brand if they were subjected to a poor customer experience. Therefore, investing in a successful ECommerce customer experience  is not only a necessity, but it also grows your customer base loyalty.

Here are 5 ways how your brand can improve the customer experience:

1. Seamless Checkout Process

Chances are, the primary reason behind an abandoned shopping cart is usually a complicated checkout process. To reduce the number of abandoned carts, creating an easy ECommerce checkout process is vital. By offering different types of checkout and delivery options, equipping secure payment methods and generally having a simplified ECommerce process that’s clearly accessible, you can ensure that instances of last minute cart abandonment are avoided.

Moreover, you can also deploy quick surveys periodically to locate specific pain points that your consumers are facing when it comes to your checkout process. This allows you to create better experiences for your current and potential customers.

2. Personalized Customer Experiences

To achieve an optimized customer experience, you’ve got to develop a consistent experiential approach that isn’t just about putting the customer’s name on email messages. One way is to start by giving customers personalized recommendations based on their recent purchases and shopping trends. Another is to send your customers special customer loyalty offers and rewards during the holiday shopping period to drive impulse purchases, leading to fewer returns, and creating greater loyalty.

3. Compelling Product Information

The first impression of your brand is usually formed after customers land on your product page. Understand that your customers aren’t just buying products, but they’re buying solutions to their problems. Therefore, communicating your value proposition immediately is vital. Another aspect that you should take note of is that what will dazzle one customer may not do it for the next one, so you will need to have a combined ECommerce strategy to make the full impact.

Hence, you should incorporate attractive photos of your products, add product descriptions that highlights the benefits and applications, and arrange the product page such that it’s easiest for your customer to navigate through. Social proof is also important in today’s world so you should have user-generated content like reviews to add validity as well.

4. Providing Interactive Support

A customer is likely to leave your ECommerce store if they’re trying to locate a particular product, but they can’t and there is no help to get it. By offering multiple channels for customer support like an active phone number or email address, product support pages, and forums, you can increase the chance that your customers get their queries answered. You can even integrate a well-organized search box as well as chatbots to instantly answer questions that a customer may have about your product after operating hours.

5. Optimized For Mobile

In a mobile-first digital landscape, most ECommerce transactions these days are done via mobile so devoting your time in an intuitive mobile experience is imperative. This means adjusting your ECommerce website to be more mobile-friendly, have a responsive frame, and simplifying the convenience of payment processes while still maintaining security gateway measures. When customers have to type to search for a particular product, your fields should be formatted so that the number keypad pops up instead of the QWERTY keyboard.

When it comes to growing your brand, an insightful ECommerce customer experience strategy is as important as a digital marketing strategy. The cornerstones mentioned above help cover what you need to know about the foundations of excellent ECommerce customer experience and illustrate where to start improving.

If you still need help improving your ECommerce customer experience, why not take your brand to the next level with professional help? Contact our sales representatives to get started on an ECommerce website customer that’s uniquely yours!

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