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Nirvana Asia Group

Mobile App

The Brand
NIrvana Asia Group was established in 1990, and is a full-fledged integrated bereavement care provider with over three decades of experience in memorial park operations. They play a vital role in promoting culture, most notably in funeral rites and traditions within the Malaysian Chinese community. They aspire to constantly keep improving, innovating and raising their standards of service as a leader in the industry in Malaysia and Asia as a while.

The Solution
I Concept team designed the overall system structure, planning, UI/ UX design and development for Nirvana’s mobile app. The mobile app’s features are a customer portal, with a dashboard for their personal details, they can also make purchases and pay for the plots, send feedback, make appointments. It is also an informative app with news and events announcements, and FAQ for customers’ reference.

nirvana login
nirvana signup
Sign up
nirvana dashboard
nirvana dashboard 2
Dashboard 2
nirvana mypurchase
My Purchases
nirvana purchase detail
My Purchases (detail page)
nivrvana purchase paynow
My Purchases (Pay now)
nirvana statements
My statements
nirvana announcements
What's new (Announcements)
nirvana promotions
What's new (Promotions)
nirvana profile
My Profile
nirvana select lang
My Profile (select language)
nirvana forgot pw
Forgot password
nirvana faq
nirvana locateus
Locate us
nirvana customer feedback
Customer feedback
nirvana appointment
nirvana noti
nirvana noti detail
Notifications (detail page)
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