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Social Media Marketing: Does my brand need to get on TikTok?

Branding, Campaigns, Creative Agency, Digital Marketing, Marketing, Social Media Marketing, What's Trending


Home to viral dance moves, cat videos and discussions on what exactly is ‘cheugy,’ TikTok is the fastest growing social media network worldwide. In fact, the app has been downloaded over 2 billion times, with more than 800 million active users worldwide. If you’re considering using TikTok in your next social media marketing and eCommerce selling campaign, learn the basics of this youth-oriented and exciting platform. Let I Concept, your creative agency Singapore, walk you through the world of TikTok and evaluate its place in the greater world of social media marketing


The numbers behind TikTok for business

Want to reach a Gen Z or Millennial audience? You’ll find them hanging out on TikTok. Almost 33% of TikTok users in the United States are aged 10-19, with a further 30% in the 20 to 29 demographic. This trend is repeated globally, with TikTok now present in over 150 different countries.

TikTok exclusively hosts video content, meaning your brand will need to create a loose video marketing strategy before taking the plunge. Don’t let that put you off. Video marketing is taking on greater emphasis for brands worldwide. In fact, research has shown 85 per cent of consumers want to see more video marketing from brands. It’s easily digestible, it’s entertaining, and it lives long in the memory.

Now that you’ve learned these impressive statistics, it’s time to examine whether TikTok is right for your business. Let’s start with some key questions.


Is your target audience on TikTok?

The first question to consider is your target audience. Are they a part of TikTok’s core demographics of younger, tech-savvy consumers? As the platform continues to mature, it’s being driven by younger audiences spending hours glued to their smartphones. In the early days of Facebook and Instagram, both platforms were similarly dominated by younger cohorts before gaining widespread usage among older consumers. Following this pattern logically, older users will likely eventually migrate over to TikTok, but if you’re looking to sell a miracle baldness cure, this might not be the platform for you yet.


Are you ready to get creative?

Toss away those slickly produced and professionally filmed videos. TikTok is not the place for them. Most videos on the platform are shot and edited using smartphones, with unique and creative ideas usually rising to the top. Understandably, this kind of content isn’t possible for all businesses. However, if you’re a youth-oriented brand with a light hearted strategy, TikTok provides the perfect test platform for your creative marketing ideas. It’s important to develop a creative strategy for your brand, and stick with it. Let your brand shine through organically. 


What’s the best way to use TikTok advertising?

One of TikTok’s greatest strengths as a platform is also one of its weaknesses for marketers – it hasn’t developed into a fully-featured advertising platform yet. Businesses can currently create five different ad formats on TikTok:

Each type of ad carries a barrier to entry, as it requires some design skills to create elements like stickers, lenses and filters. These barriers only apply if you are looking to spend money on dedicated advertising. Many businesses are just using TikTok to post fun videos while aiming to go viral. If you’re curious about the platform this is a great way to get started. It’s also less cluttered, unlike some other more established platforms, and a good entryway for young eCommerce businesses.


Is your business fit for influencer marketing?

A way to allocate spend to TikTok marketing, without having to create unique graphics, is working with TikTok Influencers. These influencers often have a reach that spans millions of users and their rates haven’t yet hit the stratospheric heights of other social media platforms. If an Influencer aligns with your brand values, it represents a highly effective way to kickstart your TikTok marketing plan to aid your eCommerce works.


Get help with digital marketing

Just like marketing and advertising on other social media and digital platforms like Facebook, Instagram and even Google, getting it right on TikTok is about understanding your audience’s wants and your business organisation’s needs, and finding that match in between.

If you are on the hunt for a digital marketing and creative agency Singapore to assist you with establishing and promoting your brand, be in contact with I Concept Singapore today. We’re a leading digital agency in Singapore, offering a range of digital solutions and services, with a team that’s got the know-how to create engaging campaigns and sustainable social media marketing publicity efforts. 


Talk with our digital marketing consultants to see if we make the right partner for your business.



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