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Getting PSG grant for your Digital marketing needs with I Concept

Creative Agency, Digital Copywriting, Digital Marketing, Grants, Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation, What's Trending


The interweb of things is constantly expanding, and the vast digital world is proving to be a parallel to reality, where people stay within each day, working, playing and living. With search engines and social media channels becoming a daily necessity for most of us to interact, as well as to obtain essential information, brands and businesses see the increasing need to establish themselves online, and to better market themselves to be seen by the right audiences.

Digital marketing is everywhere. And while it may seem easy to create some visuals and words and put them out on the digital marketing platform, there is actually quite a bit of work and careful strategising needed to ensure that your content and messages are reaching the right audience – your potential clients and customers.

For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), getting digital marketing right could be a challenging, or even daunting task. However, fear not, as I Concept Singapore, your choice creative design agency, will be able to help you get a headstart and plunge right through, launching your digital marketing campaigns towards the right path forward.

Now, what’s even better, is that SMEs can tap on the Productivity Solutions Grant for Digital Marketing to get up to 50% subsidy support, as you employ our targeted solution because we’re a pre-approved vendor!

What is the Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG)?

The Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) is a grant that supports companies and enterprises looking to adopt technology solutions and equipment to improve their operations. 

Disbursed and managed by Enterprise Singapore, the digital solutions are mainly offered to assist SMEs in their digital transformation process and to make certain areas of their businesses easier, more convenient and effective, through the relevant implementation.

It covers sector-specific solutions to assist businesses from different industries, such as food, engineering, logistics, construction and landscaping, retail and eCommerce. You can choose from a wide range of industries-based digital solutions for your business.

At the top creative agency I Concept Singapore, we have custom-tailored packages for digital marketing, as well as eCommerce development

The Benefits of the Productivity Solutions Grant for Digital Marketing

  1. Receive up to 50% funding support

    Eligible SME businesses can receive up to 50% funding support starting 1 April 2023 if you apply for a digital marketing PSG grant. It is a substantial amount of funds that will help businesses who see the value in investing in digital marketing in the long run.
  2. Access high-quality digital solutions

    One of the main reasons business owners apply for the PSG grant is to gain access to high-quality digital marketing solutions and relevant knowledge and expertise. All of these are beneficial to brands who want to establish themselves well on the Internet, to maximise the reach to their desired audience. Across all industries, the solutions can be tailored and customised, to best increase the brand’s visibility across the channels.
  3. The grant is applicable to most industries

    The Productivity Solutions Grant supports companies and enterprises that want to adopt digital solutions to improve their operations. From food and beverage, logistics, retail and wholesale, construction and landscaping, and even eCommerce, all the sectors may tap into the grant if necessary.

Who is eligible for the PSG for Digital Marketing?

Before applying, you need to ensure that your business is in one of the government-approved industries for the Productivity Solutions Grant. For starters, your business has to be registered and operating in Singapore, with a minimum 30% local shareholding, and the company’s group annual sales turnover not exceeding S$100 million, or employee size of not more than 200 workers. (These numbers are subject to change, please refer to Enterprise Singapore for any updated figures.)

The digital tools and solutions that the company utilises should also be used only in Singapore. Any purchase, lease or subscription made outside the country will not be eligible for the grant.

What’s in the Digital Marketing Solution at I Concept?

At I Concept, our goal for our digital marketing projects is always to help businesses build up their branding and stand out from the crowd. As a top creative agency who have helped hundreds of companies tell their stories and assist them to reach out to millions of customers, we continuously strive to bring out our creative spirit and energies to help make your business tick.

Our team has the experience and know-how when it comes to doing digital marketing right. From planning and strategising to generating interesting concepts, visuals and digital copywriting that captures attention and imagination, to moving the budgets around to push the content and information out, we are in the know.

With all the knowledge, we have devised and created two signature Digital Marketing Kickstarter Packages as the choice digital marketing solutions under the grant.

To help shift your business’s social media and digital communication plans in the right direction, we start with understanding your needs, through to strategising and developing a customised digital marketing plan. Our packages include:

  • Digital Presence Analysis

    Diving in to understand your brand presence in the digital sphere, seek out the competitors, and note on the possible gaps to fill.
  • Strategy Development

    Identifying your business’s objectives and target audience, then proposing the right platforms it should be on (Facebook / Instagram / LinkedIn), as well as the types of content that will attract eyeballs.
  • Assets Creation

    Creating and developing digital assets and digital copywriting that’s targeted to suit the various platform’s users.
  • Review and Recommendations

    Periodic review of the performance of the posted content, plus noting any online buzz, then providing recommendations for future directions.
  • Google Ad Placements

    Choose between Search Engine Marketing (SEM) or Google Display Network (GDN), to be seen online by a more diverse group of audiences.

More than just digital marketing, you’ll be pleased to learn that as a creative design agency,  I Concept Singapore is also able to help you in building a comprehensive digital presence for your brand. Our brand guardians will be able to guide you in creating (or recreating) a complete branding and identity package for your brand, better enabling you to engage with the right audience. 

Chat with us today, and learn more about how you can tap and benefit from the Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) and kickstart your digital marketing journey with us.

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The I Concept Team