5 Key Tips On How To Make Your Website User-Friendly

Web Development

Today, users are extremely demanding when it comes to website design and functionality. To retain visitors on your website and encourage them to return, it’s no longer a suggestion that you invest in a user-friendly design – it’s a requirement.

To help you overcome this challenge, we’ve put together 5 proven tips for maximising website user experience by building an intuitive and user-friendly website.

1. Fast Load Times

A typical customer will only wait for a few seconds for your page to load, after which they will most likely navigate away to a competitor’s website. High bounce rates are the last thing you want! Therefore, you have to make sure that your website loads within 1 to 3 seconds as this is important for good website usability. You can also use free tools such as Pingdom and Google’s Page Speed Insights to test the speed of your website and to find out what you can do to improve your website speed.

2. Make Navigation Intuitive

Navigation menus are often the main way in which users will find their way around your website, so it needs to be logical and easy to follow. To ensure a good user experience, all of your navigation headers and subheaders need to be clearly labelled, organised into logical groups and visually separated. A search bar function is also essential for fast access to specific areas or pieces of information.

3. Easily Readable Content

When a visitor lands on your website page, they want to get the information they need to make an informed decision about your product or service quickly and easily. Use language that is simple and concise, and include headers, subheaders, bullets, and other website formatting techniques to make it easy for readers to skim your content. Essentially, the more in-depth and accessible you can make information on what you have to offer, the better.

4. Compelling CTA Buttons

To lead your website visitors through the process of a sale or contacting you, a clear Call-To-Action is essential. While it seems evident that your visitors will find the CTA buttons eventually, it would be good to make the Call-To-Action buttons enticing so that they are encouraged to click. Some of the attractive Call-To-Action buttons that have garnered successful conversions include – Download Now, Click Here, Learn More, and Contact Us.

5. Online Forms Efficiency

If your form has too many text fields, most visitors will find it annoying to complete the form and likely won’t trust you enough to provide all the information you’re requesting. Therefore you should ask the fewest questions possible, provide visual cues and finish with a confirmation message such as ‘Thank you, your application has been submitted’ to reassure users that the form completion was successful.

Making sure your website is user-friendly is vital to any successful business. It is not the easiest task in the world, but you can make it as easy if you follow these 5 helpful tips listed above.

Don’t have the time to build a website of your own, or need some help with creating a website that achieves your objectives? Contact our professional website design and development team for a customised plan now!

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